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Questions tagged [program-synthesis]

For questions related to the problem of program synthesis, in the context of artificial intelligence or that use AI techniques (such as genetic programming).

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How to integrate program synthesis into program maintenance and evolution (if it is possible at all) - possible reference request?

Program synthesis is one of the most active research fields today, e.g. works by Microsoft Research and SalesForce Research I ...
TomR's user avatar
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Is there anything remotely as successful as backprop, but for training programs, not neural networks?

Backprop is used to train deep neural networks to remarkable success. Deep neural networks, on the other hands, can be seen as as a specific kind of computer function that receives inputs and produces ...
MaiaVictor's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I reduce combinatorial explosion in an MCTS-like algorithm for program induction?

I'd like to develop an MCTS-like (Monte Carlo Tree Search) algorithm for program induction, i.e. learning programs from examples. My initial plan is for nodes to represent programs and for the search ...
joshrule's user avatar