Questions tagged [reasoning]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Knowledge representation and reasoning(KRR) over a Image scene: Neurosymbolic AI

What are the ways and SOTA in domain of knowledge representation and reasoning over scene. Suppose there are 3 objects in the scene and which objects needs to be picked first among them is governed by ...
bigboss's user avatar
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What is language-conditioned visual reasoning?

Can anyone explain what language-conditioned visual reasoning is? I saw this term in this paper and I searched on the internet but I couldn't find a proper explanation.
realmarv's user avatar
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Why is BERT/GPT capable of "for-all" generalization?

As shown in the figure: Why does token prediction work when "Socrates" is replaced with "Plato"? From the point of view of symbolic logic, the above example effectively performs ...
Yan King Yin's user avatar