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How does the classification head of EfficientDet work?

EfficientDet outputs classes and bounding boxes. My question is about both but specifically I am interested in the class prediction net part. In the paper's diagram it shows 2 conv layers. I don't ...
ML Dev's user avatar
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How does Mask R-CNN automatically output a different number of objects on the image?

Recently, I was reading Pytorch's official tutorial about Mask R-CNN. When I run the code on colab, it turned out that it automatically outputs a different number of channels during prediction. If the ...
dato nefaridze's user avatar
2 votes
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What are the state-of-the-art Person-Detektion / Human-Segmentation?

I would like to use a deep learning approach to detect people in videos. I have found some freely accessible implementations like Human Segementation with Pytorch or BodyPix / DeepLab / Pixellib with ...
miimi's user avatar
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