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Questions tagged [semantics]

For questions about meaning. Distinct from syntactics.

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How can I get the political sentiment of some text

I am writing a web app that manages volunteer events for political campaigns. It will optionally allow volunteers to create events. In the case of an event that is entered by a bad actor, or even a ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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How can I use Artificial Intelligence to compare to paragraphs to see if they share the same meaning?

I am looking for a way to compare two paragraphs and see if both share the same meaning. For example, these two paragraphs have the same meaning, but they are worded differently. Paragraph 1: The ...
Jay's user avatar
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Reasoning about 2d spatial square configuration

I am trying to use RCC8 algebra relations and axioms in order to tackle the following problem : We consider the below configuration and square $x$ such that "$x$ NTPP $a$" and "$x$ TPP $...
nick's user avatar
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What is all necessary types of data for a bidirectional RNN to learn embeddings?

Bidirectional RNNs are used for generating the semantic vectors of the text at the sentence level and word level. In order to train a CNN for the classification tasks, images, and labels/outputs are ...
hanugm's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference (if any) between semantic segmentation and multi-class, mutually exclusive classification?

Multi-class classification is simply assigning all data points into one of up to any finite number of mutually exclusive labels. I am new to the field(s) of AI/ML and I keep hearing people use the ...
tdMJN6B2JtUe's user avatar
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Applications of polar decomposition in Machine Learning

Assume there exists a new and very efficient algorithm for calculating the polar decomposition of a matrix $A=UP$, where $U$ is a unitary matrix and $P$ is a positive-semidefinite Hermitian matrix. ...
Samuel's user avatar
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2 answers

How much knowledge of the world is learnt through words?

We know a lot of common sense about the world. Things like "to buy something you need money". I wonder how much of this common sense comes about through actual someone explicitly telling you the ...
zooby's user avatar
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Does it matter if it's a bot or a human generating text? Doesn't it come down to the content?

It was noted today that automated text generation is advancing at a rapid pace, potentially accelerating. As bots become more and more capable of passing turing tests, especially in single iterations,...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Is there a way to understand the type of a sentence?

I am a beginner, just started studying around NLP, specifically various language models. So far, my understanding is that - the goal is to understand/produce natural language. So far the methods I ...
Dibyajyoti Mohapatra's user avatar
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1 answer

Choosing Instance Semantic Detection

A fixed video camera records people moving through its field of view. The goal is to detect and track the head, in real-time as it moves through the video. The norm is there are many heads, which ...
gatorback's user avatar
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How to find the category of a technical text on a surface-semantic-level

There are some predefined categories( Overview, Data Architecture, Technical Details, Applications, etc). The requirement is to classify the input text of paragraphs into their resp. category. I can't ...
A.S.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Are Rationality and Intelligence distinct?

This just popped into my head, and I haven't thought it through, but it feels like a sound question. The definition of intelligence might still be somewhat fuzzy, possibly a factor of our evolving ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What exactly are the differences between semantic and lexical-semantic networks?

What exactly are the differences between semantic and lexical-semantic networks?
idontknowwhoiamgodhelpme's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Can the English language ever be generalized using a set of grammar rules?

In programming languages, there is a set of grammar rules which govern the construction of valid statements and expressions. These rules help in parsing the programs written by the user. Can there ...
skrtbhtngr's user avatar
18 votes
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What research has been done in the domain of "identifying sarcasm in text"?

Identifying sarcasm is considered one of the most difficult open-ended problems in the domain of ML and NLP/NLU. So, was there any considerable research done on that front? If yes, then what is the ...
Dawny33's user avatar
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