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Questions tagged [tensorflow]

For questions related to Google's open-source library for machine learning and machine intelligence. However, note that programming questions are off-topic here.

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How to Resolve Matrix Size Mismatch in TensorFlow Model Builder for Combined Text and Numeric Inputs?

I'm working on a Keras model using the Functional API that processes two inputs: Text Input: A padded integer array with a shape of (32, 1149) (batch size 32, sequence length 1149). Example: [5, 10, 3,...
Ferda-Ozdemir-Sonmez's user avatar
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How to print intermediate shapes in a Keras Functional API model_builder during graph construction?

I am trying to debug my model_builder function in Keras Functional API by printing the shapes of intermediate tensors. However, none of the methods I have tried so far seem to work as expected. Here's ...
Ferda-Ozdemir-Sonmez's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why are PyTorch and TensorFlow the most widely used frameworks?

Even through there are several others, what's special about these two that make them so popular?
Hephaestus's user avatar
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Regression model is doing exceptionally very well on time series

I have the following task to do: I have time series data. Training by the consecutive 3 days to predict the each 4th day. Each day data represents one CSV file which has dimension 24x25. Every ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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How to Implement a Custom TensorFlow Layer to Apply CLAHE on an Image?

I am trying to implement a custom TensorFlow layer to apply Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) on an image. I have written the following code, but I am not sure if it is correct ...
Filipe Silva's user avatar
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What Policy/Agent and Observation Spec To Use For TensorFlow Agents For Video Game Platformer?

I'm trying to create a model to beat a video game platformer I made a few months ago. In the game, the platforms scroll down from the sky and the player has to keep jumping to them to avoid touching ...
jjschmiel's user avatar
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How to Control Memory Growth When Using TensorFlow in Multi-Round Training? [closed]

I'm facing an issue related to memory growth when using TensorFlow for a multi-round training process. Specifically, I have a model training loop in which I generate training and evaluation data in ...
Lekang's user avatar
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My CNN validation Accuracy increases super slow?

im doing a retinopathy detection project with over 3500 images, 700 in each class. I've filtered the image like It seems that my model isn't learning from the data, or is having trouble because the ...
Rishhh's user avatar
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Tensorflow Fine-tune BERT error

I have a piece of Tensorflow code: ...
Khang Truong's user avatar
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Getting an error importing SWin transformer using tensorflow in colab

I am trying to load swin transformer from tfhub as follows but on loading the model I get an error. def load_model(): model_url = "
Khuldee's user avatar
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Predict more elements than the input

I can use any machine learning algorithms (but neural networks are better for me) to resolve this issue: use few elements as input (numerical) to predict more elements as output. In normal regression ...
Cyr's user avatar
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YOLOv1 - Why do we predict multiple bounding boxes?

When you look at the YOLOv1 paper and corresponding implementations it is always mentioned that for every grid cell, we predict B bounding boxes (usually two). Then we use IoU to choose the ...
Lockhart 's user avatar
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Why VGG fine tuning process keeps crashing in colab?

0 I am trying to fine-tune a VGG16 model for an ECG-image classification task with the resolution of 1700 * 2200 I haven't reshaped and reduced the size of the images because I thought some ...
rav2001's user avatar
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Any tutorials/courses to learn variational autoencoders on tabular data?

I aim to use variational autoencoders (VAE) to find interpretable latent spaces for genetic data. So, I need to understand how they work, what activation function to use, etc. But all tutorials and ...
Yulia Kentieva's user avatar
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Training Image Classifier with 7 classes but my model is overfitting resulting the accuracy of the model to behave weirdly during training

I am training an image classifier for 7 different model types of a specific car engine parts. Each class has exactly 308 grayscale images with the same resolution of 1014x760. Those images consists ...
rekoilS's user avatar
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PyTorch and Opacus for Differential Privacy

When testing an example code from the TensorFlow website using Jupyter Notebook, which is available at the following link: [LINK_1], I encountered an error. You can find my question about that error ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Feature Crossing with ~200 features

I am working on a project to make a model using Keras to guess the difficulty of climbing routes on a standardised climbing wall ( Each hold on the wall is either: ...
seba's user avatar
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Tensorflow versus deeplearning4j

For ML frameworks one would think Tensorflow would be the 800# gorilla in the room. I work in a Java shop and Tensorflow's Java support seems to be somewhere between terrible and awful, even for just ...
Tony Ennis's user avatar
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Not guessing when tuning neural networks

I have a NN with about 750 inputs (sparsely encoded text, mostly). The output is 1 cell - yes or no, this is of type X. I can guess all day long on the size and depth of my hidden layers. I hate ...
Tony Ennis's user avatar
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Saving a stable diffusion model for later use

I am new to ML and plan to use KerasCV stabledifussion model to generate images from text. The example on the KerasCV website is straightforward but I could not find a way to save the model locally ...
Doug's user avatar
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How to solve the exploding gradient problem in VAE training?

I was trying to implement VAE on the CelebA dataset inspired by the Tensorflow implementation of MNIST. I have tried varying batch size but there seems to be no effect from that. The image formed is ...
Vedant Bhardwaj's user avatar
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Regression model training improvement

I am fairly new to TensorFlow and ML in general and am currently working on a regression neural network while learning about different parts and concepts of it. My goal is to try & achieve a model ...
tomazj's user avatar
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How to get colored prediction output in multiclass UNET segmentation

i have the same data and annotation just like show in the provided link, query : ...
Muhammad Kamran Khan's user avatar
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How to Create a Neural Network Model to Generate Dance Movements Based on Music in MMD Format

I am working on a project where I need to create a neural network model to generate dance movements based on music. My goal is to achieve results similar to this video: ...
meow meow's user avatar
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How to use the tf.image.SSIM function [closed]

Can anyone please help me understand how to use this SSIM function ( The filter_size parameter has a ...
Marco's user avatar
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I can’t pass a treshold no matter what I do

I am currently training an CNN for classification. My training data are 80x80 images, 3 channels, which I have grouped into 25% validation, 75% training, all evenly distributed. I have 3 classes into ...
will's user avatar
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How To Resolve This Error

I have a cell here in google colab: And here is the error message: I don't really understand how to resolve this error. Could someone help me understand how to fix this? Any help is greatly ...
zed's user avatar
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No matter how I change a loss function I get it equal to infinity

I am a bioinformatician, and at the moment I am working with a dataset containing ~12.3 million mutations for ~5500 individuals. The goal is to perform binary classification. I use this framework to ...
YKY's user avatar
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can Vision transformers be used to retain the relevant features (drop unrelated features from the clutter in image) and map to the specific query

Background, I have good understanding of ML 101 (supervised, unsupervised, tensorflow etc), however just getting into transformers & gen-AI. I have recently started looking into Transformers/ViT ...
cyborgt8's user avatar
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Help With Converting NumPy Function To TensorFlow Ops (graph execution issue)

I'm trying to export my command recognition model for deploymenet on embedded devices, however, I'm facing trouble when trying to encapsulate the preprocessing function into my model, that way, when I ...
Aamar_Alberm3768's user avatar
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Why are the tutorials and built-in datasets giving us examples that simply do not work?

I have built a classical neural network based on IMDB reviews according to the tutorial in one book about AI. 25 000 positive reviews, 25 000 negative reviews. Positive reviews result to "0",...
Jaroslav Tavgen's user avatar
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How do I input multi-channel Numpy array to U-net for semantic segmentation

I had lidar 3D point cloud data from semantckitti. I want to perform Semantic Segmentation on the data using U-Net. I converted the 3d point cloud data into 2D using spherical conversion and saved the ...
Leibniz 24's user avatar
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Trained model on cifar10 performs poorly on real images

So I'm trying to train a model using the CIFAR10 dataset. The problem is that while the performance of the model on validation and test sets are good (about 95-96%), the model fails to predict images ...
AlbertDang's user avatar
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Beginner need help - identify data [closed]

I am learning Tensorflow, and I have a specific problem I want to solve. I want to identify on/off of my large power consumers at home. And calculate the power consumption elsewhere. I expect to input ...
povlhp's user avatar
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3 answers

Does transformers' self-attention mechanism process tokens independently, or entire sequence at a time?

About attention: the Query, Key and Value vectors (before the linear transformations) are just the entire sequence, that is being inputted, or just each token? Chat-GPT nor Youtube didn't give me a ...
CyberLight 64's user avatar
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adversarial training on convnext shows a very strange curve

i am currently working on a research project where I have to train some models for adversarial robustness. I have implemented the algorithm used by a research paper called adversarial training for ...
M Akrm's user avatar
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Deployment of Model into Java Application

Over the past few months, I have developed and tested a TensorFlow U-Net model based on the Keras Functional API. Recently I have been interested in deploying this model for use in a Java application ...
Max's user avatar
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Is sparse categorical crossentropy support arbitrary custom label encoding?

As we know that in AI tools like tensorflow has loss named sparse_categorical_crossentropy which bassically ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Why does the accuracy get stuck at a constant value when using Keras for multiclass singles-label classification problem?

I am trying to solve a multiclass classification problem using Keras. The current network looks as follows: ...
isostar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does the number of parameters differ in each layer when each layer is defined the exact same way [closed]

Mohd. Farhan Hassan's user avatar
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If the output is 0.09, does this mean that the prediction is class 1 or 0?

I use a Keras EfficientNetB7 and transfer learning to solve a binary classification problem. I use tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(x) for ...
Doug's user avatar
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Design approach for image classification regarding genders

I am new to the world of AI and wanted to ask your guidance on how to design a ML model to classify genders based on images. There will be only one person in the image. The person could be kids, ...
Doug's user avatar
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cGAN: Discriminator loss going to zero while Generator's going always up but the result is very good

I have a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Quantum State Tomography. The metrics I am monitoring during the training process are the losses and the Fidelity (the degree of similarity ...
Dimitri's user avatar
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Can I do incremental learning with different loss function in neural networks?

I have a saved tensorflow neural network model. I was wondering if it's possible to incrementally train the model but with different nt loss function.
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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How to represent cards for uno game

I am currently trying to build a DQN agent that plays the game UNO The observation it gets looks like this: ...
Devin Myers's user avatar
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RL agent for autonomous vehicle is able to follow the road but can't avoid crashing at all (Highway-Env / Racetrack Env.)

I coded some deep RL algorithms (DQN and SAC) with tf2/keras to solve an environment where a vehicle needs to follow the track and avoid crashing into one other vehicle (there is only one other ...
rafiqollective's user avatar
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Transfer learning using pretrained tensorflow object detection model [closed]

I am new to AI/ML and wanted to seek guidance as I am totally lost. I will simplify my issue as follows: Let's say I would like to detect apples and oranges in images. I would like to leverage a pre-...
Doug's user avatar
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2 answers

I'm trying to understand the use model for different Python libraries

I'm new to ML/AI field, and after completing several free university courses from MIT OpenCourseWare and Harvard CS50, I've gained some familiarity with the theoretical foundations of Artificial ...
Boris L.'s user avatar
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MultiLayer Perceptron not working for regression problem, what could I try?

I am trying to learn the inverse kinematics of a robotic manipulator. To do that I have a simulator with which I acquired data. My dataset is composed of positions in X, Y and Z and actuator variables ...
Guillaume's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I improve this toy Graph Neural Network Generative Language model [closed]

Background I'm an undergraduate student with research interests in a field of physics that has significant overlap with graph theory, and a functioning knowledge of how simple neural nets work and how ...
MomentumEigenstate's user avatar

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