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Predict more elements than the input

I can use any machine learning algorithms (but neural networks are better for me) to resolve this issue: use few elements as input (numerical) to predict more elements as output. In normal regression ...
Cyr's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why does the number of parameters differ in each layer when each layer is defined the exact same way [closed]

Mohd. Farhan Hassan's user avatar
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3 answers

What is loss function in Neural Networks?

I've been studying NNs with tensorflow and decided to code a simple NN from scratch to get a better idea on hwo they work. It my understanding that the cost is used in backpropagation, so basically ...
user20170158's user avatar
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2 answers

How "exactly" are AI-accelerator chip ASICs built differently than GPUs as GPU seem to lead for many AI workloads on performance

There is a lot of discussion on google search about AI-custom-accelerators (like Intel's Gaudi) and GPUs. Almost all of them say generic things like, a) AI Accelerator chip is for specialized AI ...
Joe Black's user avatar
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Is the graph considered as overfit?

I have a training dataset of 2000 images and 500 images for validation. I have executed 50 epochs, however I realized that my graph seems to be different as my accuracy is smaller than my loss. I am ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Multiple GRU layers to improve a text generation

I am using the model in this colab for Shakespeare like text generation. ...
kiriloff's user avatar
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How GAN generator produce integer RGB colored picture?

For traditional neural networks, I know that we can't constraint the output to be strict integers. My question is what technique does GANs use to produce integer outputs, that can be then converted to ...
o_yeah's user avatar
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Finding patterns in binary files using deep learning

I am a newbie in deep learning and wanted to know if the problem I have at hand is a suitable fit for deep learning algorithms. I have thousands of fragments each of about 1000 bytes size (i.e. ...
Phani's user avatar
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Why does the result when restoring a saved DDPG model differ significantly from the result when saving it?

I save the trained model after a certain number of episodes with the special save() function of the DDPG class (the network is saved when the reward reaches zero), but when I restore the model again ...
Ne1zvestnyj's user avatar
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What are examples of models for traffic sign detection that can be easily implemented?

I'm working on a college project about traffic sign detection and I have to choose a paper to implement it, but I have basic knowledge of TensorFlow and I'm afraid of choosing a paper that I can't ...
mr_easy_hard's user avatar
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Is this TensorFlow implementation of partial derivative of the cost with respect to the bias correct?

I have a neural network for MNIST classification which I am hard coding using TensorFlow 2.0. The neural network has an input layer consisting of 784 neurons (28 * 28), one hidden layer having "...
Arun's user avatar
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How could I locate certain words or numbers in a financial statement?

I would like to code a script that could locate a specific word or number in a financial statement. Financial statements roughly contain the same information, they are however not identical and ...
Lohant00's user avatar
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Should the biases be zero or randomly initialised?

I'm initialising DNN of shape [2 inputs, 2 hiddens, 1 output] with these weights and biases: ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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Understanding the intuition behind Content Loss (Neural Style Transfer) [closed]

I'm trying to understand the intuition behind how the Content Loss is calculated in a Neural Style Transfer. I'm reading from an articles:
Hazzaldo's user avatar
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Suggestions for Deep Learning for regression on huge 3D volumes

I have a dataset of 3D images (volumes) with dimensions 400x250x400. For each input image I have an output of the same dimensions. I would like to train a machine learning (or deep learning) model on ...
Cezoz08's user avatar
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DQN not able to learn in a game where other agents perform random walks

I am making a school project where I should develop any kind of game where I can have one reactive agent and one agent based on machine learning competing with each other. My game consists of a ...
Daniel Oliveira's user avatar
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How TensorFlow will know if the prediction is true or false?

I'm completely new at ML, but really interested. To be honest, read many articles about it, but still don't understand the workings of it. I just started to understand this example: https://storage....
Gergő Horváth's user avatar
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Getting worse performance when training a pre-trained model with the existing class

I am training pre-trained SSD-InceptionV2-Coco to detect the "car", which is one of the classes in mscoco label. I train the model with ~50k sample from KITTI, 500k iteration with batch size 2. I ...
willSapgreen's user avatar
16 votes
10 answers

How to classify data which is spiral in shape?

I have been messing around in tensorflow playground. One of the input data sets is a spiral. No matter what input parameters I choose, no matter how wide and deep the neural network I make, I cannot ...
Souradeep Nanda's user avatar