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Help With Converting NumPy Function To TensorFlow Ops (graph execution issue)

I'm trying to export my command recognition model for deploymenet on embedded devices, however, I'm facing trouble when trying to encapsulate the preprocessing function into my model, that way, when I ...
Aamar_Alberm3768's user avatar
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Patterns binary classification - model doesn't overfit

I am working on a very basic binary classification problem. For each set of four float numbers $(x,y,z,w)$, I want to check if they fall or not into one category. I have written a model with 3 dense ...
apt45's user avatar
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Exploration for softmax should be binary or continuous softmax?

Maybe it's silly to ask but for random exploration in an RL for choosing discrete action, that in the neural network last layer softmax will be used, what random samples should we provide? binary like ...
fardis nadimi's user avatar
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Is it possible to use RGB image with decimal values when feeding training data to CNN?

I am working with four grayscale images of float32 data type to perform regression using Keras. Three images are stacked using np.dstack to form a RGB data-set. The ...
Sam's user avatar
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Is it possible to transform audio with neural networks to make it sound like 3d sound

so the idea is to feed neural network data like input: mono audio(extracted from existing 3d audio) output: 3d audio after training it should convert mono audio to 3d sound do you think it is possible?...
Alex Myth's user avatar
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How to recognize sequence of digits in an image

I am learning to program neural networks and others, and I would like to know how I can get the numbers that are in an image, for example, if I pass an image that has 123 written, get with my model ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Can TensorFlow, PyTorch, and other mainstream ML frameworks be used for research-grade work in AI?

Many authors of research papers in AI (e.g. arXiv) write their neural networks from the ground-up, using low-level languages like C++ to implement their theories. Can existing open source frameworks ...
Cybernetic's user avatar
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Extract features with CNN and pass as sequence to RNN

I read an article about captioning videos and I want to use solution number 4 (extract features with a CNN, pass the sequence to a separate RNN) in my own project. But for me, it seems really strange ...
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What is the fastest way to train a CNN with billions of examples?

I have a CNN model that I need to train for a large scale genomics application. It is working well with a subset of my training data. I have scaled up to a subset of about 130 million examples and ...
J. Montgomery's user avatar
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How could I locate certain words or numbers in a financial statement?

I would like to code a script that could locate a specific word or number in a financial statement. Financial statements roughly contain the same information, they are however not identical and ...
Lohant00's user avatar
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Suggestions for Deep Learning for regression on huge 3D volumes

I have a dataset of 3D images (volumes) with dimensions 400x250x400. For each input image I have an output of the same dimensions. I would like to train a machine learning (or deep learning) model on ...
Cezoz08's user avatar
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