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How is dropout applied to the embedding layer's output?

o_yeah's user avatar
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Simple sequential model with LSTM which doesn't converge

I'm actually trying to create a sequential neural network in order to translate a "human" sentence in a "machine" sentence understandable by an algorithm. Like It didn't work, I've try to create a NN ...
user33665's user avatar
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How to change this RNN text classification code to become text generation code?

I can do text classification with RNN, in which the last output of RNN (rnn_outputs[-1]) is used to matmul with output layer weight and plus bias. That is getting a word (class name) after the last T ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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Seq2Seq dialogs predicts only most common words like `you` after couple of epoches

I'm training Seq2Seq model on OpenSubtitles dialogs - Cornell-Movie-Dialogs-Corpus. My work based on the following papers (but currently I'm not implemented Attention yet): Sequence to Sequence ...
Ziemo's user avatar
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