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Questions tagged [text-summarization]

For questions related to (automatic) text summarization, which is the task of producing a concise and fluent summary of a text or document while preserving key information content and the overall meaning of the original document. For example, search engines are an example of an application that generates summaries as the previews of the documents or websites.

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5 votes
4 answers

Use Machine/Deep Learning to Guess a String

I want to be able to input a block of text and then have it guess a string within a predefined range (i.e. a string that starts with three letters and ends with five numbers like "XXX12345", etc). ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can LLMs understand and perform meta tasks? (e.g. summarization)

I don't ask how to make it summarize xy but if it is known how a "LLM" understands and performs this meta task at all. The same is true for prompts like "Be brief" or "Explain ...
10 votes
1 answer

How do I use GPT-2 to summarise text?

In section 3.6 of the OpenAI GPT-2 paper it mentions summarising text based relates to this, but the method is described in very high-level terms: To induce summarization behavior we add the text <...
1 vote
2 answers

Can you automatically write a text summarizing a finance document using AI models?

I'm given pdf documents containing complex information about a financial product and my task is to write a disclaimer: a two page document with a very precise structure explaining this financial ...
2 votes
1 answer

What are the most effective methods and tools for summarizing long-form content like articles, editorials, and discussion threads for an app?

With users expecting instantaneous information and no compromise on in-depth details, app developers are challenged to condense long-form content such as articles, editorials, and discussion threads ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I pick up possible calendar events from a text file

I am new to this community and not even too sure if this is the right place for such a question. I want to know how I could implement (possibly with already made solutions) a system which could take ...
6 votes
1 answer

Video summarization similar to Summe's TextRank [closed]

We have the popular TextRank API which given a text, ranks keywords and can apply summarization given a predefined text length. I am wondering if there is a similar tool for video summarization. ...
2 votes
1 answer

How would you build an AI to output the primary concept of a paragraph?

My thinking is you input a paragraph, or sentence, and the program can boil it down to the primary concept(s). Example: Input: Sure, it would be nice if morality was simply a navigation toward ...
1 vote
2 answers

Among N documents, how to summarize the most unique content in each document?

I now have $N$ documents, which share common content and they have special unique content. Say I have $3$ legal documents related to the same person. Document $A$ is about land law, document $B$ is ...
1 vote
1 answer

How could facts be distinguished from opinions?

As a software engineer, I am searching for an existing solution or, if none exists, willing to create one that will be able to process texts (e.g. news from online media) to extract/paraphrase dry ...
3 votes
1 answer

What should the dimension of the input be for text summarization?

I am trying to build a model for extractive text summarization using keras sequential layers. I am having a hard time trying to understand how to input my x data. Should it be an array of documents ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to classify the subject of a conversation?

I would like to classify the subject of a conversation. I could classify each messages of the conversation, but I will loose some imformation because of related messages. I also need to do it ...
1 vote
0 answers

What are the best techniques to perform text simplification?

I'm evaluating the state of the art techniques to translate legal text to simple text, what are the best approaches for a non-English language (Portuguese)?
0 votes
1 answer

NLP Identifying important key words in a corpus

I am intrigued with the idea of Zettelkasten but unsatisfied with the current implementations. It seems to me that a machine learning and NLP approach could be productive by helpfully identifying “...
0 votes
1 answer

How to add a pretrained model to my layers to get embeddings?

I want to use a pretrained model found in [BERT Embeddings] and I want to add a layer to get the sentence embeddings from the model and pass on to the ...
4 votes
2 answers

How does the "Lorem Ipsum" generator work?

I've seen many Lorem Ipsum generators on the web, but not only, there is also "bacon ispum", "space ispum", etc. So, how do these generators generate the text? Are they powered by an AI?
1 vote
0 answers

How can I use GPT-2 to modify seed text of one form into a different form (LENGTH INVARIANT) whilst retaining meaning?

I am currently starting a research project whereby I am trying to convert text of one form into another. i.e. If I were to write a seed sentance of the form "Scientists have finally achieved the ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can I generate keywords associated with a website given its URL?

I have a column with links to websites and another column with keywords from those websites. I have to find a map between these two, such that for a new input, which is a website's URL, I can generate ...
0 votes
1 answer

Solution to classify product names

I have a bunch of training data for classifying product names, around 30,000 samples. The task is to classify these product names into types of product, around 100 classes (single words). For example:...
1 vote
1 answer

Algorithms and strategies to help judges rule cases

I'm a Rails developer with a lot of web experience, but none (still) in AI. I'm working in a web text editor that judges use to writing their sentences. The goal is to start to use AI to help the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can abstractive summarization be achieved using neural networks?

Text summarization is a long-standing research problem that was "ignited" by Luhn in 1958. However, a half century later, we still came nowhere close to solving this problem (abstractive ...
3 votes
1 answer

How would one go about generating *sensible* responses to chat?

I have recently gone about and made a simple AI, one that gives responses to an input (albeit completely irrelevant and nonsensical ones), using Synaptic.js. Unfortunately, this is not the type of ...
2 votes
2 answers

What is easier or more efficient to summarize voice or text? [DP/RN]

If possible consider the relationship between implementation difficulty and accuracy in voice examples or simply chat conversations. And currently, what are the directions on algorithms like Deep ...
2 votes
1 answer

What AI service can define personality portfolio based on text?

Imagine this theoretical situation: A group of people are asked to provide a solution for an imaginary problem via email. Then an AI service runs through their written solution, analyzing the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Any software to guess idea flow (basic ideas/statements and their derivations) throughout text?

Is there any existing software which analyzes idea flow in the text (or between different texts, e.g scientific articles) and for example visualizes it with some graph?