Questions tagged [tile-coding]

For questions related to tile coding, a form of coarse coding that is particularly well suited for use on sequential digital computers and for efficient online learning.

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How does uniform offset tiling work with function approximation?

I get the fundamental idea of how tilings work, but, in Barton and Sutton's book, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2nd edition), a diagram, on page 219 (figure 9.11), showing the variations of ...
quest ions's user avatar
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When using hashing in tile coding, why are memory requirements reduced and there is only a little loss of performance?

In the book "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" (2018) Sutton and Barto explain, on page 221, a form of tile coding using hashing, to reduce memory consumption. I have two questions ...
F.M.F.'s user avatar
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Does coarse coding with radial basis function generate fewer features?

I am learning about discretization of the state space when applying reinforcement learning to continuous state space. In this video the instructor, at 2:02, the instructor says that one benefit of ...
farhanhubble's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unclear paragraph in Sutton-Barto on "Tile Coding"

Sutton-Barto (Tile Coding, page 218): For example, choosing $\alpha = 1/n$, where n is the number of tilings, results in exact one-trial learning. If the example $s\to v$ is trained on, then whatever ...
DSPinfinity's user avatar
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Can someone explain to me this implementation of Tile Coding using Hash Tables?

The code below is adapted from this implementation. ...
Bazman's user avatar
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