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Questions tagged [transfer-learning]

For questions related to transfer learning, a machine learning method that focuses on storing knowledge gained while solving one problem in order to apply this knowledge to a different but related problem.

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How to Apply a Pre-trained Jigsaw Puzzle Model for Transfer Learning on Larger Images?

I’ve read the article titled Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles. In this article, the authors create jigsaw puzzles and train a model to solve them. The process ...
Loghman's user avatar
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Is it better to train neural network with ideal data before resuming with non-ideal data?

Speaking generally, AFAIK Neural network relies on initial state at their weights. Mostly it started with random weights. Does that mean it will be better to train neural network with ideal data first?...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Is it possible to have weightened (for every layer) gradient?

Imagine having pretrained network(resnet, ...) If we want to train for new classification task we change last layer and maybe freeze some first leayers. But what if we have another network that ...
Тима 's user avatar
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Is it possible to apply transfer learning between Temporal Fusion Transformer and sequential architecture LSTM and GRU

If TFT is a pretrained model, is it possible to transfer the weights to sequential neural network models like LSTM,BILSTM and GRU.
Santhana Lakshmi's user avatar
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How to find an argument of a NN function(which returns a distribution) to minimize a KL divergence?

Consider a neural network function $f:\mathbb{R}\to distribution$. For simplicity, maybe consider that it returns a gaussian distribution. I want to find $\arg\min_{s\in\mathbb{R}}D_{KL}(f(s),q)$ for ...
user3315463's user avatar
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AI chat bot that answers by focusing only on 30 textbooks [closed]

I don't even know what I'm looking for and what's the terminology, so here I am asking this question. Background Assume I have 30 textbooks. I want to have an AI chatbot like ChatGPT which answers the ...
Megidd's user avatar
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How to fine-tune pre-trained model? [closed]

I'm trying to classify a data set of medical images with a pre-trained model EfficientNetB0. I've written a code in Python with Pytorch to train my model and fine-tune it but I would like to know if ...
NitaStack's user avatar
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SOTA model (PAtt-lite) implementation with Pytorch [closed]

I'm trying to implement a model guided by the paper of PAtt-lite (weights are on but no implementation provided yet). Using FER2013+ and RAF-DB. The main classes I'...
Robert's user avatar
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Are foundation models something fundamentally new? Is there a proper definition?

Currently, one can hear more and more about "foundation models" but details of this are not always clear. Also, I even have the impression, that sometimes people don't talk about exactly ...
BanDoP's user avatar
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What are some good pairs of transfer learning source and target datasets for image classification?

As the title says, I'm curious about some well used transfer learning tasks. ImageNet to other datasets is common, but what are something good pairs I can try and mess around with ? Like CIFAR10 to ...
v1998199904's user avatar
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Approximate weight matrices of pretrained models

I am looking for a guide on matrix approximation of pretrained models. My idea is related to transfer learning: I want to use a pretrained model, take the weights and biases of one of its layers, ...
postnubilaphoebus's user avatar
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Self Supervised Learning Application of trained model... A bit confused

I am trying to apply a self supervised task as stated in this github repo.The Self-Supervised Sketch Recognition In this work, authors are using 345.000 image samples to train the model and the ...
T.Gulez's user avatar
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Does layer freezing offer other benefits other than to reduce computational time in gradient descent?

In Deep Learning and Transfer Learning, does layer freezing offer other benefits other than to reduce computational time in gradient descent? Assuming I train a neural network on task A to derive ...
Enk9456's user avatar
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Keep weights of output layer in transfer learning?

I'm seeing conflicting info on what to do with the fully-connected output layer of a pre-trained network when it's used in transfer learning. A previous answer seems to imply that the network is kept ...
Fijoy Vadakkumpadan's user avatar
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Is transfer learning effective when the new task has more classes than the original?

All examples of transfer learning I have seen for classification use initial weights of a network trained on a larger number of classes (say 1000 in the case of networks trained on ImageNet data) to ...
Fijoy Vadakkumpadan's user avatar
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Embedding Quality of Transfer Learning model vs Contrastive learning model

I am working on Contrastive learning which is a technique to learn features based on the concept of learning from comparing two or more instances. The downstream task is a classification problem. ...
Raj Rajeshwari Prasad's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there an argument against using the (reviewed) predictions of a model as ground truth to further train exactly this model?

I plan to use my predictions as ground truth to continue training my model. These predictions are of course reviewed during this process. Is there an argument against that (reinforcement of slight ...
thzu's user avatar
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How to choose the new layer and objective function for transfer learning on a neural network?

I have a base model $M$ trained on a data say type 1 for task $T$. Now, I want to update $M$ by applying transfer learning for it to work on data type 2 for the same task $T$. I am very new to AI/ML ...
PHcoDer's user avatar
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Transferring a Q-learning policy to larger instances

How do I best transfer and fine-tune a Q-learning policy that was trained on small instances to large instances? Some more details on the problem: I am currently trying to derive a decision policy for ...
BotsAgainstCaptchas's user avatar
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Continue teaching pre-trained network without forgetting previous data set

I have a rather interesting problem here; I work in the field of image classification for quality assurance. For this I have a dataset of about 1 million images, which I have used to train different ...
beinando's user avatar
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Should I label static objects on video dataset?

I'm using nvidia Transfer Learning Toolkit to detect cars in some video frames. I found some dataset (for example and
Francesco Pagani's user avatar
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Is it possible that the fine-tuned pre-trained model performs worse than the original pre-trained model?

I have downloaded a pre-trained EfficientDet D2 model (Tensorflow 2.0) and trained it on some data (about 20000 images with 20 classes). I set the number of steps to 25000 and batch size to 3 (...
Araw's user avatar
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Model not learning anything, what can be the problem?

I've trained a model for heart sound classification with transfer learning (MobileNet) on Physionet dataset, and it works fine. However, when I train it on my own dataset, it seems that it can not ...
Sepehr Golestanian's user avatar
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How could Bayesian neural networks be used for transfer learning?

In transfer learning, we use big data from similar tasks to learn the parameters of a neural network, and then fine-tune the neural network on our own task that has little data available for it. Here, ...
samsambakster's user avatar
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Why would the "improvement" be the result of random initialization, and so why should we use multiple runs?

I got this feedback for my thesis paper. The improvement shown in the results section could be the result of random initialization. There should be multiple runs with means and standard deviations. ...
Md. Asif Iqbal Fahim's user avatar
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How to deal with images that do not contain any object of interest?

I'm currently working on an iOS App where I want to detect if there is a table, chair or bench in the current camera input. My idea was to take the MobileNetV2 model and get it to classify these three ...
Robin's user avatar
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Would this count as a Transfer Learning approach?

I have two datasets, Dataset 1(D1) and Dataset 2(D2). D1 has around 22000 samples, and D2 has around 8000 samples. What I am doing is that I train a Deep Neural Network model with around three layers ...
Ravish Jha's user avatar
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Validation accuracy very low with transfer learning

I am using MobileNetV3 from TF keras for doing transfer learning; I removed the last layer, added two dense layers, and trained for 20 epochs. How many dense layers should I add after the MobileNet ...
Hossam Alzomor's user avatar
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What is the difference between feature extraction and fine-tuning in transfer learning?

I'm building a model for facial expression recognition, and I want to use transfer learning. From what I understand, there are different steps to do it. The first is the feature extraction and the ...
Speedskillsx's user avatar
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How to perform multi-class text classification with a dataset of 80 documents?

I have a training dataset of 80 text documents with an average number of characters in each document of 25000 and 210 unique tags. How can I perform multi-class text classification with such a small ...
Utkarsh Malkoti's user avatar
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How to train my model using transfer learning on inception_v3 pre-trained model?

I am trying to train my model to classify 10 classes of hand gestures but I don't get why am I getting validation accuracy approx. double than training accuracy. My dataset is from kaggle: https://www....
Shubham Agrawal's user avatar
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What does "semantic gap" mean?

I was reading DT-LET: Deep transfer learning by exploring where to transfer, and it contains the following: It should be noted direct use of labeled source domain data on a new scene of target domain ...
Kais Hasan's user avatar
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What is the relation between self-taught learning and transfer learning?

I am new to transfer learning and I start by reading A Survey on Transfer Learning, and it stated the following: according to different situations of labeled and unlabeled data in the source domain, ...
Kais Hasan's user avatar
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What is the definition of pre-training?

I want to pre-train a model (combined by two popular modules A and B, and both are large blocks), then fine-tune it on downstream tasks. What if for the weight initialization for pre-training, module ...
zuujhyt's user avatar
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How is few-shot learning different from transfer learning?

To my understanding, transfer learning helps to incorporate data from other related datasets and achieve the task with less labelled data (maybe in 100s of images per category). Few-shot learning ...
Geneveve08's user avatar
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Why shouldn't batch normalisation layers be learnable during fine-tuning?

I have been reading this TensorFlow tutorial on transfer learning, where they unfroze the whole model and then they say: When you unfreeze a model that contains ...
dato nefaridze's user avatar
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Literature on the advantages of using an auto-encoder for classification

Given a supervised problem with X, y input pairs, one can do two things for obtaining the function f that maps X with y with Neural Networks (and in general in machine learning): Deploy directly a ...
Tommaso Bendinelli's user avatar
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Is it possible to use self-supervised learning on different images for the pretext and downstream tasks?

I have just come across the idea of self-supervised learning. It seems that it is possible to get higher accuracies on downstream tasks when the network is trained on pretext tasks. Suppose that I ...
calveeen's user avatar
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Is it possible to pre-train a CNN in a self-supervised way so that it can later be used to solve an instance segmentation task?

I would like to use self-supervised learning (SSL) to learn features from images (the dataset consists of similar images with small differences), then use the resulting trained model to bootstrap an ...
Timco Vanco's user avatar
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Transfer Learning of Numerical Data

It seems like transfer learning is only applicable to neural networks. Is this a correct assumption? While I was looking for examples of Transfer Learning, most seemed to be based on image data, audio ...
Sung Kyu Park's user avatar
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Is it ok to perform transfer learning with a base model for face recognition to perform one-shot learning for object classification?

I am trying to create a model that is using a one-shot learning approach for a classification task. We do this because we do not have a lot of data and it also seems like a good way to learn this ...
Maciek Woźniak's user avatar
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Why aren't the BERT layers frozen during fine-tuning tasks?

During transfer learning in computer vision, I've seen that the layers of the base model are frozen if the images aren't too different from the model on which the base model is trained on. However, on ...
Bunny Rabbit's user avatar
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Can we apply transfer learning between any two different CNN architectures?

There are many types of CNN architectures: LeNet, AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet, etc. Can we apply transfer learning between any two different CNN architectures? For instance, can we apply transfer ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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BERT: After pretraining 880000 step, why fine-tune not work? [closed]

I am using pretraining code from Pretrain parameters: ...
CoderOnly's user avatar
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Why is domain adaptation and generative modelling for knowledge graphs still not applied widely in enterprise data? What are the challenges?

I see that domain adaptation and transfer learning has been widely adopted in image classification and semantic segmentation analysis. But it's still lacking in providing solutions to enterprise data, ...
Jey 's user avatar
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What's the difference between domain randomization and domain adaptation?

In my understanding, domain randomization is one method of diversifying the dataset to achieve a better shot at domain adaptation. Am I wrong?
Taro Yehai's user avatar
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What is layer freezing in transfer learning?

Transfer learning consists of taking features learned on one problem and leveraging them on a new, similar problem. In the Transfer Learning, we take layers from a previously trained model and freeze ...
Pluviophile's user avatar
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How does batch normalisation actually work?

I actually went through the Keras' batch normalization tutorial and the description there puzzled me more. Here are some facts about batch normalization that I read recently and want a deep ...
Devansh Khandekar's user avatar
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How to "forward" updated NN model to a transferred model?

I've trained a robot to walk in a straight line for as long as it can (using TD3), and now I'm using that pre-trained model for two new models with separate purposes: 1. Walk to a specific point and ...
pinkie pAI's user avatar
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Does self-supervised learning require auxiliary tasks?

Self-supervised learning algorithms provide labels automatically. But, it is not clear what else is required for an algorithm to fall under the category "self-supervised": Some say, self-...
Make42's user avatar
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