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What is the borderline between unsupervised learning and regular algorithms?

Unsupervised learning using neural networks is clearly machine learning since it is utilising neural nets. However, some algorithms, k-means clustering, for example, are considered unsupervised ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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What is the approach to deduce formal rules based on data?

We have data in text format as sentences. The goal is to detect rules which exist in this set of sentences. I have a limited set of contextless sentences that fit a pattern and want to find the ...
Artem's user avatar
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Predict frequently purchased items under certain conditions with customer purchasing history data

I have purchasing history data for grocery shopping. I am trying to get abnormally frequently purchased items under certain conditions. For instance, I am trying to find frequently purchased items, ...
John legend2's user avatar
5 votes
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Why do Decision Tree Learning Algorithm preferably outputs the smallest Decision Tree?

I have been following the ML course by Tom Mitchel. The inherent assumption while using Decision Tree Learning Algo is: The algo. preferably chooses a Decision Tree which is the smallest. Why is ...
imflash217's user avatar