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How to solve the exploding gradient problem in VAE training?

I was trying to implement VAE on the CelebA dataset inspired by the Tensorflow implementation of MNIST. I have tried varying batch size but there seems to be no effect from that. The image formed is ...
Vedant Bhardwaj's user avatar
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How to remove random noise from an image (denoising)?

When adding noise to an image, for instance, is the noise added evenly random (equally likely values within some range), or random but following some distribution (like the normal distribution)? Then,...
James's user avatar
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How to perform latent space Interpolation between two images?

I have a variational convolutional autoencoder that has trained on 2 images and outputs a linear interpolation (inserted at the bottleneck stage) between those 2 input images. However, the result ...
James's user avatar
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VAE for Motion Sequence Generation - Convergence Issue with Scheduled Sampling

I have implemented a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) in PyTorch for motion sequence generation using human pose data (joint angles and angular velocities in radians) from the CMU dataset. The VAE ...
RTn's user avatar
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How to colorize images with Variational Autoencoder?

CONTEXT I'm trying to colorize images with Variational Autoencoder. Input is 256x256 gray image. Output is 256x256x2 as I convert image to a LAB color space and then put gray channel as input and ...
MASTER OF CODE's user avatar
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How do you calculate KL divergence on a three-dimensional space for a Variational Autoencoder?

I'm trying to implement a variational auto-encoder (as seen in Section 3.1 here: It differs from a traditional VAE because it encodes its input images to three-...
magmacollaris's user avatar
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How to construct input dependent convolutional filter?

I am constructing a convolutional variational autoencoder for images, starting out with mnist digits. Typically I would specify convolutional layers in the following way: ...
Jane Sully's user avatar
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What makes GAN or VAE better at image generation than NN that directly maps inputs to images

Say a simple neural network's input is a collection of tags (encoded in some way), and the output is an image that corresponds to those tags. Say this network consists of some dense layers and some ...
Avetik's user avatar
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Concrete example of latent variables and observables plugged into the Bayes' rule

In the context of the variational auto-encoder, can someone give me a concrete example of the application of the Bayes' rule $$p_{\theta}(z|x)=\frac{p_{\theta}(x|z)p(z)}{p(x)}$$ for a given latent ...
user8714896's user avatar