I was reading about IDA* and I found this [link ][1] explaining IDA* and providing an animation for it
[the animation is here][2]

and here is a picture for the solution 

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

I know what is the cutoff condition (it depends on F), and the search is like DFS if the value of (f) of the node is less or equal to the cutoff, and like IDF it is iterative 

my question is:

in the animation when the threshold is 7 and after expanding the parent of the goal (14) they stated that a solution has been found, so if we found the goal after expanding a node which is <= the cutoff value can we consider it the solution without applying any condition-test on it?(it's F <= threshold):for example if there was another level where there is a goal and it can be found with value 13 (less than 14) like the following pic:

[![enter image description here][4]][4]

when the threshold is 7 11 will not be expanded so we will never get (13)

so what is the correct solution?

  [1]: https://algorithmsinsight.wordpress.com/graph-theory-2/ida-star-algorithm-in-general/
  [2]: https://algorithmsinsight.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/ida-star.gif?w=1326
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/paLIe.png
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/vvLpV.png