I have created an LSTM Neural Network which take as input the following format in an .csv file ~~~ sinewave 0.841470985 0.873736397 0.90255357 0.927808777 0.949402346 0.967249058 0.98127848 0.991435244 ~~~ How can I write some code so it can take as input hex addresses and convert them to int ? eg the following .xlsx file containing 400.000 samples ~~~ 0xbfb22b18 0xbfb22b14 0xbfb22b10 0xbfb22b0c 0xbfb22b18 0xbfb22b14 0xbfb22b10 0xbfb22b0c 0xbfb22b18 0xbfb22b14 0xbfb22b10 0xbfb22b0c ~~~