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For questions related to modelling external environment, functional models tuned through convergent methods such as artificial networks or fuzzy logic containers, loss models, semantic models, model-based reasoning, or other kinds of models used in AI research, development, or practice.

10 votes

How does an unsupervised learning model learn?

Unsupervised learning models instead learn a structure from the data. … More sophisticated models are just adding more pieces to that calculation. …
nbro's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the real world uses for SAT solvers?

Instead of talking about just SAT solvers, let me talk about optimization in general. Many economic problems can be cast as optimization problems: for example, FedEx may have a list of packages and th …
NietzscheanAI's user avatar
8 votes

What is the relevance of AIXI on current artificial intelligence research?

"Current artificial intelligence research" is a pretty broad field. From where I sit, in a mostly CS realm, people are focused on narrow intelligence that can do economically relevant work on narrow t …
Matthew Gray's user avatar
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