8 votes

Is AlphaFold just making a good estimate of the protein structure?

AlphaFold (version 1 and 2) predicts (so estimates) the 3D shape of the protein from the sequence of amino acids. AlphaFold's performance is measured with the global distance test (GDT), which is a ...
nbro's user avatar
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4 votes

Can AlphaFold predict proteins with metals well?

Let me address first some of the things you wrote in your question: There are certain proteins that contain metal components, known as metalloproteins. Natural proteins do not ever contain metal ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
1 vote

What kind of deep learning model does latest version of AlphaFold use for protein folding problem?

The accurate answer is 'we don't know for sure'. But that said, the Deepmind article about AlphaFold 2, which won the CASP 14 competition, says this: A folded protein can be thought of as a “spatial ...
HighVoltage's user avatar

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