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5 votes

What is a "batch" in batch normalization?

The "batch" is same as in mini-batch gradient descent. The mean in batch-norm here would be the average of each feature map in your batch (in your case either 32 or 64 depending on which you use) ...
mshlis's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the consequences of layer norm vs batch norm?

This is how I understand it. Batch normalization is used to remove internal "covariate shift" (wich may be not the case) by normalizing the input for each hidden layer using the statistics ...
Aray Karjauv's user avatar
4 votes

Why does Batch Normalization work?

I believe anything in machine learning that works, works because it flattens and smoothens the loss landscape. Batch and layer normalization would help ensure that the feature vectors (i.e. channels) ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
4 votes

Why do we update all layers simultaneously while training a neural network?

Why do we update all layers simultaneously while training a neural network? We typically train a neural network with gradient descent and back-propagation. Gradient descent is the iterative algorithm ...
nbro's user avatar
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3 votes

Does it make sense to apply batch normalization to a batch size of 1?

It's not possible to use batch normalization with a batch size of 1. Batch normalization requires you to calculate the variance of activation values in the current batch, and variance is undefined for ...
Johann's user avatar
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3 votes

What can go wrong using batch norm?

I think the problems with batch normalization arise mainly due to the large misunderstanding of what it does, combined with a simple but confusing name. Despite the simple computation (everybody knows ...
Edoardo Guerriero's user avatar
3 votes

What effect does batch norm have on the gradient?

"Naturally, this will affect the gradient through the network." this statement is only partially true, let's see why by starting explaining the real aim of batch normalisation. As the title of the ...
Edoardo Guerriero's user avatar
2 votes

Why do current models use multiple normalization layers?

One issue is that a normalized set of initial weights may not stay normalized as learning progresses; so given that we adjust weights proportionately according to their relative values and also when ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
2 votes

How does a batch normalization layer work?

Look, this is currently a quite contentious issue. J3soons answer already links to the original paper and another one. However, most of the evidence for batch normalization is still empirical, and ...
Avatrin's user avatar
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2 votes

Additional Optimizations for Convolutional Models On Inferencing

You could look into models pruning. There are several techniques out here, and all of them aim to reduce the amount of parameters of a model without affecting its performance metrics. Of course less ...
Edoardo Guerriero's user avatar
2 votes

Normalizing float prices with movements up to a factor of 100

Mathematically speaking when dealing with fat tailed distributions or values that varies in a range of several order of magnitude the most common and simplest solution is to move to logarithmic space. ...
Edoardo Guerriero's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a correct order of "conv2d", "batchnorm2d", "ReLU/LeakyReLU", "MaxPool2d" for UNet like architectures?

I suggest to follow the official U-NET implementation. To me, the second option ...
Luca Anzalone's user avatar
2 votes

Why does Batch-Normalization before ReLU work?

Batch-normalization (BN) does NOT transform all values by restricting them to a value between zero and one. BN performs two operations: a normalization, and a shifting with scaling. The normalization ...
Luca Anzalone's user avatar
2 votes

What does linear regime of nonlinearity mean in normalisation?

The normalization makes the signal small enough to remain in the region of the sigmoid that can be well approximated by a straight line. The idea is the same as in electronics: https://en.wikipedia....
Jaume Oliver Lafont's user avatar
1 vote

How to handle BatchNorm in the last layers of Neural Networks?

Keep in mind that BN (batch-norm) is suggested with deep networks and large batch sizes (the larger, the better). Let's say that for a 2 or 3 layer neural net, BN may not play a big role so in most ...
Luca Anzalone's user avatar
1 vote

computational complexity for batch normalization technique

Batch Normalization is achieved through a normalization step that fixes the means and variances of each layer's inputs. For a Batch of size N, computing the mean and variance will have a complexity of ...
Naman Rajput's user avatar
1 vote

During batch normalization is the mini-batch gone through twice, one to calculate the mean and variance and then to normalize them?

I think it'd be helpful to refer to the batchnorm formula given in the PyTorch implementation. In particular, given an input $x$, you would get the mean and variance ($\mathbf{E}[x]$ and $\text{Var}[x]...
PeaBrane's user avatar
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1 vote

What can be an example other than batch normalization that uses statistics of batches?

Here's some examples: Group Normalization Layer Normalization Switchable Normalization Attentive Normalization Spectrl Normalization Notice how in general different normalization techniques are ...
Edoardo Guerriero's user avatar
1 vote

Where does batch normalization layers present in a neural network?

I think the answer to your question is much more a rule of thumb than an appropriate analytical answer. First of all, I would like to remark that Batch Normalization [1] are applied most commonly to ...
Eduardo Montesuma's user avatar
1 vote

Does this tutorial use normalization the right way?

The normalize() function used in the tutorial is the incorrect function to use for normalization in this context. This normalize function is for finding L1 and L2 norms. The correct layer/function ...
Snehal Patel's user avatar
1 vote

Why does my model not improve when training with mini-batch gradient descent, while it does with Adam?

Well, some time ago I also faced the same issue in the semantic segmentation task. Batch normalization is expected to improve convergence, because the normalization of activations prevents the ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
1 vote

In Batch Normalisation, are $\hat{\mu}$, $\hat{\sigma}$ the mean and stdev of the original mini-batch or of the input into the current layer?

Your intuition is correct. We will be normalizing the inputs of the layer under consideration (just right before applying the activation function). So, if this layer receives an input $\mathrm{x}=\...
user5093249's user avatar
1 vote

How does a batch normalization layer work?

Definition and Explaination For how Batch Normalization works exactly, I'll suggest you to read the following papers: Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal ...
J3soon's user avatar
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1 vote

Is batch normalization not suitable for non-gaussian input?

So batch-normalization helps descent based learning have an easier time traversing the loss manifold, but in your case you use it along with a relu as a final activation is problematic, it means the ...
mshlis's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the most common practice to apply batch normalization?

In the literature, it differs. You will see models do it after or before pooling only, and sometimes you see it after every single convolution. Batch normalization's assistance to neural networks ...
mshlis's user avatar
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