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4 votes

Is there any literature on the design of dialogue systems for interviews and questionnaire administration?

[Disclaimer: I work for a company that provides a platform for developing conversational AI systems] The platform used by the company I work for has a sentiment analysis component, so you can ...
Oliver Mason's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to integrate the GPT-3 by OpenAPI inside Unity3D or any game-engine?

Yes, OpenAI will release an API for GPT-3, so any developer can integrate it into their application. I don't believe the document for their API is public yet, so we don't know what the final interface ...
user3667125's user avatar
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Are there any other language models besides GPT-3 that can be used to create chatbots with a specific identity and environment?

You may want to look at Chirpy Cardinal from Stanford. It doesn't provide mannerisms out of the box but the response generators can be configured to give each instance its own character. https://...
AlDante's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible to integrate the GPT-3 by OpenAPI inside Unity3D or any game-engine?

I found these links so hopefully they help.
CoffeeBaconAddict's user avatar

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