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2 votes

Which are more memory efficient: uninformed or informed search algorithms?

Uninformed Search Techniques Breadth-First Search needs to store a frontier of nodes to visit next (where "visit" basically means: see if it's the goal, generate its children and add to ...
Dennis Soemers's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is the effective branching factor used for measuring performance of a heuristic function?

I also walked into that trap the first few times. The difference is the following: $N$ is the number of expanded nodes $b^*$ is the effective branching factor $b^*$ depends on the depth $d$ of the ...
Sentry's user avatar
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1 vote

Why is the effective branching factor used for measuring performance of a heuristic function?

As you found $N$ is the number of nodes that are expanded. The cost of expansion of each node is equal to the number of children of that node. Hence, we use $b^*$ for each node. In other words, the ...
OmG's user avatar
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