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7 votes

Can Bayesian inference be combined with knowledge-based systems?

Yes, it is possible to combine probabilistic / bayesian reasoning and a traditional "knowledgebase". And some work along those lines has been done. See, for example, ProbLog ("Probabilistic Prolog") ...
mindcrime's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the place of ontologies in artificial intelligence?

Computational creativity is not something I know anything about. However, I work in knowledge engineering. This falls into the areas of knowledge representation and reasoning known as semantic web ...
Henriette Harmse's user avatar
2 votes

Real world example of an Knowledge based system

Knowledge representation is used extensively in the bioinformatics community where ontologies are used to infer classification hierarchies in the annotation of biological data. See for example the ...
Henriette Harmse's user avatar
2 votes

Why is wumpus world problem deterministic?

When a reinforcement learning problem is described as deterministic, that means the environment is deterministic. In turn that means: All rewards are single values (instead of distributions) and ...
Neil Slater's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any other (possibly less popular) approach to create AI apart from statistical methods?

Yes, there is symbolic AI. This was the 'original' approach to AI, at a time when there was very little data and/or processing power available. The focus was on logic and calculus, not on machine ...
Oliver Mason's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there any other (possibly less popular) approach to create AI apart from statistical methods?

What you're looking for are Expert systems and Knowledge Based Systems. Really similar to each other, they encompass all systems built upon experts knowledge, from which analytic rules are derived in ...
Edoardo Guerriero's user avatar

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