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What is the benefit of using identity mapping layers in deep neural networks like ResNet?

TL;DR: Deep networks have some issues that skip connections fix. To address this statement: As I understand Resnet has some identity mapping layers that their task is to create the output as the ...
respectful's user avatar
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7 votes

Why do ResNets avoid the vanishing gradient problem?

Before proceeding, it's important to note that ResNets, as pointed out here, were not introduced to specifically solve the VGP, but to improve learning in general. In fact, the authors of ResNet, in ...
nbro's user avatar
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6 votes

If vanishing gradients are NOT the problem that ResNets solve, then what is the explanation behind ResNet success?

They explained in the paper why they introduce residual blocks. They argue that it's easier to learn residual functions $F(x) = H(x) - x$ and then add them to the original representation $x$ to get ...
Brale's user avatar
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5 votes

Why aren't there neural networks that connect the output of each layer to all next layers?

Actually, this already exists! I happened to make a presentation of a paper that talks about this topic. These networks are called DenseNets, which stands for densely connected convolutional networks....
Armando's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I use larger input images when using a pre-trained CNN without resizing?

TL;DR: It's definitely worth trying to benefit from the learned features from the ResNet. As it's made of mainly pretrained convolutional layers with pooling, adding new resizing layers upfront is ...
James Ashford's user avatar
3 votes

Does it make sense to apply batch normalization to a batch size of 1?

It's not possible to use batch normalization with a batch size of 1. Batch normalization requires you to calculate the variance of activation values in the current batch, and variance is undefined for ...
Johann's user avatar
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3 votes

Residual Blocks - why do they work?

First a little intro, skip to the end for the straight answers: residual networks were proposed after observing that deeper models tend to perform worse than their shallow counterpart if we just keep ...
Edoardo Guerriero's user avatar
3 votes

If the point of the ResNet skip connection is to let the main path learn the residual relative to identity, why are there convolutional skips?

Well, I found an answer that satisfies me. The zero-padded identity is not ideal. Suppose we're mapping from 64 channels to 128 channels. Then the zero-padded identity will map to an output where ...
Alexander Soare's user avatar
3 votes

What is the benefit of using identity mapping layers in deep neural networks like ResNet?

As explained in this paper , the major benefit of identity mapping is that it enables backpropagation signal to reach from output (last) layers to input (first) layers. You can see on the paper at ...
verdery's user avatar
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3 votes

Can residual connections be beneficial when we have a small training dataset?

Can residual connections be beneficial when we have a small training dataset? The usual rule of data science investigations applies here: Try it, measure the results, then you will know. It is very ...
Neil Slater's user avatar
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3 votes

Are neurons instantly feed forward when input arrives?

It is unclear what kind of network your are referring to, there is not a single neural-network model so conceivable both cases could exist and serve some purpose, yet if you are looking for one that ...
Keno's user avatar
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3 votes

Wouldn't residual connections in RNNs solve the vanishing/exploding gradient problem?

In my opinion your idea indeed holds merit. Something worth noting though is that it is cruder than the LSTM/GRU that have trainable weights that guide what features are remembered and forgotten. ...
Victor Björkgren's user avatar
2 votes

Is a VGG-based CNN model sometimes better for image classfication than a modern architecture?

Below is a listing of Keras application models that can be used easily in transfer learning. Note VGG has on the order of 140 million parameters which is why it is slow. ...
Gerry P's user avatar
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2 votes

Can residual neural networks use other activation functions different from ReLU?

The problem with certain activation functions, such as the sigmoid, is that they squash the input to a finite interval (i.e. they are sometimes classified as saturating activation functions). For ...
nbro's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the name of this neural network architecture with layers that are also connected to non-neighbouring layers?

Such a network could be either a Residual Network or a Highway Network depending upon the underlying architecture of the skip layers. They are primarily used to to tackle the problem of vanishing ...
s_bh's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the name of this neural network architecture with layers that are also connected to non-neighbouring layers?

This could be called a residual neural network (ResNet), which is a neural network with skip connections, that is, connections that skip layers. Here's a screenshot of a figure from the paper Deep ...
nbro's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do skip layer connections require the same layer sizes?

One can concatenate with the previous layer outputs as well, and this approach in pursued in DenseNets. A nice illustration, that compares difference between ResNets and DenseNets is presented below: ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
2 votes

Why are weights not initialized with mean=1?

Interesting question, I can come with 2 explanations why we don't initialize weights with 1 mean value : It may be easier for the network to learn identity function, but we may have a similar issue ...
Ubikuity's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I use a ResNet as a function approximator for pixel based reinforcement learning?

Residual Network are usually deeper and hence take more time to train. EfficientNet are trying to tackle this. However, the latest advice show that the architecture tend to play a crucial role in the ...
Quentin Delfosse's user avatar
2 votes

Darknet as a part of Yolo v3

Lets start by listing what is what. RCNN : Is a type of CNN Model Resnet50, DarkNet53 and VGG : Are implementations of a CNN Model Now moving to your questions. Yes Darknet53 is the backbone of ...
Marib Sultan's user avatar
2 votes

Whats wrong with my resnet50 training on CIFAR10 pytorch?

The articles you mention likely meant pretrained resnet50. It can get to 85%+ accuracy in 5 epochs with Adam and 1e-3 learning rate indeed. You'd need to replace the last layer or use the timm wrapper ...
dx2-66's user avatar
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2 votes

Exact definition of WRN-d-k (Wide ResNet)

I also found the WRN-$n$-$k$ notation confusing, but I think I can explain it: $n$ is the total number of convolutions in the model. So to understand the architecture associated with each $n$, we ...
Kale Kundert's user avatar
2 votes

How do I use ResNet for text processing?

ResNet as a name is defined as a CNN with a specific architecture, but the more general concept of Residual Networks are not necessarily CNNs, but networks that use skip connections. You could make a ...
Dr. Snoopy's user avatar
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2 votes

How to handle the size difference of highway network or residual network in cnn?

You can just use padding='same'. As noted from the documentation: When padding="same" and ...
Minh-Long Luu's user avatar
2 votes

If a residual block learns to approximate the identity function, should we reinitialize the weights?

I think what is done in practice is that you just train multiple networks with different random seeds. This greatly reduces the possibility for getting bad models due to bad initialization. At the end ...
pi-tau's user avatar
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2 votes

Wouldn't residual connections in RNNs solve the vanishing/exploding gradient problem?

Your idea is exactly the idea behind state-space models. They have a linear "residual" connection from previous hidden states, skipping activations. In fact, it works very well! I'd ...
programjames's user avatar
1 vote

Keep weights of output layer in transfer learning?

Transfer learning is a complete field of research, and there are multiple possibilities for what might work best in each situation. There are various ways in which you can employ a pretrained model ...
Robin van Hoorn's user avatar
1 vote

Retraining ResNet-50 for iris flower classification

It looks like you're defining an optimizer in the line sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr = 0.01, decay = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9, nesterov = True) and then not using it, since ...
Kroshtan's user avatar
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1 vote

How many unique angles of an object do you need in your image training set in order to correctly classify it?

[I wanted it to be a comment but it's too long :)] I don't think it's a good approach to split point of views into a group of 12 angles. The main purpose of using neural net is to have model that is ...
MASTER OF CODE's user avatar
1 vote

Residual Blocks - why do they work?

The residual layer was not invented to solve the vanishing gradient problem. Citing from the official ResNet paper: An obstacle to answering this question was the notorious problem of vanishing/...
pi-tau's user avatar
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