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2 votes

How can I calculate the shortest path between two 2d vector points in an environment with obstacles?

The usual way to solve this kind of problem is to construct a configuration space: extruding all the polygonal obstacles by sliding the polygon corresponding to the robot around them (some slides). ...
NietzscheanAI's user avatar
2 votes

Why do exhaustive search require 14 travel segment evaluations but dynamic programming require 10 for this shortest path problem?

Like it's explained in the image's caption, DP techniques are based on the idea that you can reuse the solution to subproblems, so it assumes that you can break down the original problem into ...
nbro's user avatar
  • 41.4k
2 votes

Why do exhaustive search require 14 travel segment evaluations but dynamic programming require 10 for this shortest path problem?

Exhaustive search is just trial and error for the specified problem which has a fixed start node X and a fixed end node Y, thus every possible travel route from X to Y has to be evaluated ...
cinch's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the difference between the uniform-cost search and Dijkstra's algorithm?

The answer to my question can be found in the paper Position Paper: Dijkstra's Algorithm versus Uniform Cost Search or a Case Against Dijkstra's Algorithm (2011), in particular section Similarities of ...
nbro's user avatar
  • 41.4k

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