8 votes

How can policy gradients be applied in the case of multiple continuous actions?

As you has said, actions chosen by Actor-Critic typically come from a normal distribution and it is the agent's job to find the appropriate mean and standard deviation based on the the current state. ...
Jaden Travnik's user avatar
6 votes

Why is the log probability replaced with the importance sampling in the loss function?

I am not 100% sure if the following is the only/complete story, but I'm quite confident it's at least part of the story: In the PPO paper, after describing the standard policy gradient objective $L^{...
Dennis Soemers's user avatar
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5 votes

How is inequality 31 derived from equality 30 in lemma 2 of the "Trust Region Policy Optimization" paper?

We can start with equation (30): $$ \bar{A}(s) = P(a \neq \tilde{a}) \mathbb{E}_{(a,\tilde{a})\sim(\pi,\tilde{\pi}|a\neq\tilde{a})} [A_\pi(s, \tilde{a}) - A_\pi(s, a)] $$ Taking the absolute value ...
Nishant Desai's user avatar
4 votes

Why is the log probability replaced with the importance sampling in the loss function?

For everybody getting here from google, like me: the $\log$ might have been replaced in the loss function, but I think it is still there when taking the gradient of both functions (correct me, if I am ...
mglss's user avatar
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3 votes

Maximizing or Minimizing in Trust Region Policy Optimization?

The differences you have observed between the two different versions of the TRPO paper are due to different formalizations of the problem and the objective. In the first version of the paper you ...
Dennis Soemers's user avatar
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2 votes

What makes TRPO an actor-critic method? Where is the critic?

TRPO still uses the advantage function, which computed using the critic (aka value function).
lejlot's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

Does importance sampling really improve sampling efficiency of TRPO or PPO?

The point of importance sampling is to use the same episode(s) to do multiple policy gradient updates. It will definitely increase sample efficiency over the strictly on-policy case, simply because in ...
Taw's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the difference between an on-policy distribution and state visitation frequency?

1.First of all. The on-policy distribution $\mu(s)$ is a probability distribution. So, obviously, it is different from state visitation frequency $\rho_\pi(s)$, since $\rho_\pi(s)$ is not normalized ...
Kostya's user avatar
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1 vote

Is (log-)standard deviation learned in TRPO and PPO or fixed instead?

Using PPO from stable baselines 3, I see clearly that the variance of the actions are reducing in the environment I am using, where the optimal actions are static and not dependent on the state. This ...
languageoftheuniverse's user avatar
1 vote

Why does each component of the tuple that represents an action have a categorical distribution in the TRPO paper?

I'm not sure specifically which Atari games present this type of action space, but you can imagine a game in which you can perform multiple different types of actions at the same timestep (i.e. the ...
mdc's user avatar
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1 vote

Are these two TRPO objective functions equivalent?

As you point out, they are not equivalent. I guess you could store the time index for each state visited, but there are two problems with this. First, if you sample states according to their time ...
Diego Gomez's user avatar

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