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Jaume Oliver Lafont's user avatar
Jaume Oliver Lafont
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

How does ChatGPT respond to novel prompts and commands?

6 votes

Will we be able to build an artificial intelligence that feels empathy?

6 votes

How is GPT 4 able to solve math?

3 votes

Where to find the source code for the research paper "Attention is all you need"?

3 votes

Why this single layer perceptron for the add operation not learning the correct weights?

3 votes

Entirely linear neural network learning non-linear function

2 votes

In a neural network's neuron that has no activation function, to calculate the delta for the neuron during back propagation do you use a derivative?

2 votes

"Tweaking" the cost function to penalize rarer cases more severely

2 votes

What does linear regime of nonlinearity mean in normalisation?

2 votes

Why isn't my decision tree classifier able to solve the XOR problem properly?

2 votes

Does ChatGPT imply that the direction of knowledge graph is unpromising?

2 votes

Term for algorithms that are not trained

2 votes

How to approach a toy classification problem using a neural network?

1 vote

Could we code in Natural language once we pass the Turing test?

1 vote

How to guide the interaction between two ChatGPT conversational agents?

1 vote

How do we determine the slope for leakyrelu activation function?

1 vote

Should weight decay regularization be divided by the number of samples?

1 vote

Would maximizing (instead of minimizing) error of an LLM/HMM lead to complex behavior?

1 vote

sentence alignment between same language texts

1 vote

How can we create a vector space where word spelling and pronunciation can be easily compared?

1 vote

Do text compression tests qualify winRar or 7zip as intelligent?

1 vote

Feature Engineering on transactional dataset clustering

1 vote

Confusion about bias in McCulloch-Pitts neurons

0 votes

What is the role of self loop in Hidden Markov Models(HMM)?

0 votes

As a intermediate in Deep Learning, from which research paper should I start reading from?

0 votes

What is the derivative of the Leaky ReLU activation function?

0 votes

Can we destroy an artificial general intelligence without its consent?

0 votes

Why is a simple regression problem so hard for an MLP to learn?

0 votes

How does a sigmoid neuron output 1 with 0 as input?

0 votes

What is 'fairness' in machine learning?