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cinch's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 6 months
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6 votes

Why are the generator and discriminator designed differently in this example?

6 votes

Why policy improvement theorem can't be applied in case of function approximation?

6 votes

Can we simply remove the log term for loss in policy gradient methods?

5 votes

Is it possible that Precision and Recall increase together?

5 votes

Why doesn't SiLU suffer from a worse version of a "dying ReLU" problem?

4 votes

Why isn’t this formula used at all?

4 votes

AlphaProof and infinitary combinatorics

4 votes

Why is the backpropagation algorithm used to train the multilayer perceptron?

4 votes

Where does the TD formula for tic-tac-toe in Sutton & Barto come from?

3 votes

How does BackProp avoid bias for the last input used for training?

3 votes

Why exactly do we need the learning rate in gradient descent?

3 votes

Likelihood function for Gaussian Discriminant Analsis

3 votes

What are reward networks in reinforcement learning?

3 votes

Why different noise in GAN generate different images?

3 votes

Policiy Gradient Infinite-Horizon Analysis

3 votes

Is the Bellman backup unbiased?

3 votes

What is the optimal policy for this MDP?

3 votes

Why do activation functions in neural networks have to be non-polynomial to approximate any function?

3 votes

My cross entropy loss gradient calculation is wrong according to the answer key

3 votes

Why can't Lucene search be used to power LLM applications?

3 votes

What is the partial derivative $\frac{\partial y}{\partial x_1}$ in this neural network?

3 votes

In Q-learning, Am I the one who will define the way in which actions allow the agent to interact with the environment? And the interactions will vary?

3 votes

What do you mean by "updating based on a training example/batch" in Gradient Descent?

3 votes

In Q-learning, states need to be just X and Y positions of the agent, or a state can be several other characteristics?

3 votes

Unclear point in definition of advantage function in PPO

2 votes

Why in loss function of DQN does the expectation depend on current state $s$?

2 votes

Derivation of the relationship between state-value function and action-value function in SAC

2 votes

Can Q-learning be used to create new creative solutions by combining different factors and characteristics?

2 votes

What is the relation between Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning?

2 votes

Can mini-batches for stochastic gradient be balanced but not representative of the training data?

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