I recommend preprocessing images and feeding pixel values of several combined images. Some ideas:
Preprocess all images to grayscale if possible. It’ll reduce the number of input neurons. (As long as this step doesn’t introduce large overhead)
Select some $\gamma$ value such that 0 < $\gamma$ < 1. Generate (ie. Select from your game) $n$ sequential images. For the $k$th image in the sequence, multiply every pixel value by $\gamma^{n-k-1}$. This assumes we index $k$ starting at zero.
Sum the pixel values of all processed images with clip ~ [0, 255] (for a valid range of values)
This will yield a single image where stationary pixels will be summed to create brighter / more saturated spots, where moving objects will have “shadows” or “tails” which are faded with each time step ($\gamma$ is the “fading factor” so to speak).
Image input: As long as all values are on a comparable scale, it shouldn’t really matter whether inputs are on range [-1, 1] or [0, 1], but since you’ll be using pixel values, they will all be positive. So normalizing the pixel values will yield a range [0, 1].
Note: this kind of processing can probably be done iteratively with greater efficiency by summing, then multiplying by gamma at each time step. Then you can implement it online.
Now consider what you want the OUTPUT of the network to be. If you want the agent to take an action after processing the inputs, your output later should consist of one neuron per discrete action (ie, each “button” that can be pushed). I will limit my answer to discrete actions since that is likely the most useful answer for this question.
Finally, you asked about if the network can “remember things,” like “holding down a key.” This question is a bit vague, but let me try to answer. It sounds like you were considering using this as an INPUT to the network. In theory, you could use a similar implementation (ie. At every time step measure if the button was pressed. Perhaps use 1 if pressed 0 otherwise. Decay at every time step and sum. With n time steps, the sum will have a max value of $\sum_{n}(\gamma^{n-1})$). Remember to decay by $n-k-1$, with n$k$ starting at zero. You don’t have to actually decay this value, but decaying by a factor of gamma helps the network know if for instance the button was pressed near the first frame or the last frame.
With that said, I don’t know if you want to use this as an input. If the AI is meant to have more information than the opponent, than I suppose you can. But then the agent will not be learning from the same information as the opponent. Also, if holding the button produces a clearly visible effect, that information would be captured in the images already, so might be a redundant input.
These ideas are not the only implementation, but can get you going. It sounds like you’ll need a measure of reward and likely need to structure this as an RL problem. The details of that are beyond the scope of this post and I don’t want to get too afield of your original question. Just note that comparing to the players output may not give you the results you want, and even if it did, your network will be limited to learning only to mimic the other player. Using a measure of reward will allow your agent to theoretically advance beyond the skill of its opponent by taking actions that maximize reward, even if the opponent would not have thought to take that action.
I hope this helps.