You're missing a couple of quite important concepts:
- Universal approximation theorem: with enough parameters a neural network can approximate any function.
- Basically every loss function is non convex. There(There is this little problem in machine learning call local minima about which we like to complain a lot. :) )
But no need to trust me, just run a simple experiment and try yourself to approximate a non convex function, like $sin(x)$ with relu:
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f = lambda x: [[x_] for x_ in x]
noise_level = 0.1
X_train_ = np.arange(0, 10, 0.2)
real_sin = np.sin(X_train_)
y_train = real_sin + np.random.normal(0, noise_level, len(X_train_))
nodes = 1000
layers = 410
regr = MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=tuple([nodes] * 4), activation="relu").fit(f(X_train_), y_train)
predicted_sin = regr.predict(f(X_train_))
plt.plot(X_train_, real_sin, label="sin target")
plt.plot(X_train_, predicted_sin, label="sin predicted")
You'll see it's not a hard task too hard to learn at all:
And even withPS: of course this is just of a single layer (but many more hidden nodestoy example, specifically 50k)and if you can get a not so gooddecrease layers and amount of hidden units the results will become crap, but it still proves that activation surely affects, but not constrain the non convex solution:
linearity of the final function learned by a neural network.