In RL, reward networks (also called reward models), say $r_\theta$, have the sole role of learning (approximating) the reward function, defined as $r(s,a)$ or $r(s, a,s')$, in which the latter formulation is more general. A reward function, $r$, takes the current state $s$, selected action $a$ (by a policy, expert trajectories, or behavioral policy), and optionally the next state $s'$, to output the immediate reward, $r_t$, of timestep $t$. Reward networks should approximate $r_t$, and are employed in inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) and sometimes also in model-based RL.
Moreover, you should not confuse IRL with imitation learning (IL), as IL is more general because it also includes supervised learning methods such as behavioral cloning. In IRL, you want to learn a reward function first that is usually parameterized by a NN (therefore you have a reward network), and then use standard model-free algorithms from the learned reward to learn the policy. This is the general setting, but GAIL for example can learn the policy directly.
Note also that when you do IRL or IL you don't have access to the environment, and therefore you don't know the true reward function, but you have only access to a finite number of samples (called demonstrations) which can be from either an expert, exploratory, or sub-optimal policy.
You can refer to this survey for a comprehensive introduction about IRL, its foundations, flavors, and applications.