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What is exactly sparse annotation?

What is exactly sparse annotation? Is it different from labeling images? I've been reading a paper about vessel segmentation and have some issues understanding this part.
Kiana Kazeminejad's user avatar
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Super-Resolution with Convolutional Neuronal Networks, why interpolation at the beginning?

I have read several papers about super-resolution with CNNs, where a low-resolution image is reconstructed to a high-resolution image. What I don't understand is, why it is necessary to interpolate ...
Khan's user avatar
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Can neural network help me with detecting center coordinates of particles in an image?

I have an image of some nano particles that was taken with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) attached here. I want to obtain center points coordinates (x,y) for each particle. Doing it by hand is ...
Erf's user avatar
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What are some references that describe known filters (or kernels) and how we can create new ones?

I'm pursuing a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence. My final work is about Convolutional Neural Networks. I was looking for information about filters (or kernels) of the convolutional layers. I ...
VansFannel's user avatar