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3-way hold-out for picking between different ML models

I have a dataset which is a time series. Before jumping on more heavy models such as LSTM, I wanted to test out the performance of linear models. I have currently a 80/20 split between training and ...
xingern's user avatar
5 votes
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How to decide a train-test split?

In almost every ML model, a train-test (or train-test-val split) is critical to assess the model's performance. However, I have always wondered what the rationale is to decide a particular train-test ...
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4 votes
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Should I use leave-one-out cross-validation for testing?

I am currently working with a small dataset of 20x300. Since I have so few data points, I was wondering if I could use an approach similar to leave-one-out cross-validation but for testing. Here's ...
Diogo Bastos's user avatar