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Why one unit in the layers of neural network is not enough?

In a deep connected network, when every unit gets all the input features(X) so it has one parameter for every feature and every unit tweaks its parameters for loss optimization. What if we use only ...
Hitesh Somani's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

In a neural network, by how much does the number of neurons typically vary from layer to layer?

In a neural network, by how much does the number of neurons typically vary from layer to layer? Note that I am NOT asking how to find the optimal number of neurons per layer. As a hardware design ...
Angela Johnson's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

How to find the optimal number of neurons per layer?

When you're writing your algorithm, how do you know how many neurons you need per single layer? Are there any methods for finding the optimal number of them, or is it a rule of thumb?
kenorb's user avatar
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