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For questions about implementing and improving optimization algorithms used in creating AI programs, or optimization in general.

6 votes

Why is second-order backpropagation useful?

Second-order optimization algorithms like Hessian optimization have more information on the curvature of the loss function, so converge much, much faster than first-order optimization algorithms like gradient … n$ iterations of a standard first-order optimization algorithm. …
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1 vote

Why is Adam trapped in bad/suspicious local optima after the first few updates?

The authors describe their belief in Section 3: Due to the lack of samples in the early stage, the adaptive learning rate has an undesirably large variance, which leads to suspicious/bad local optima …
user3667125's user avatar
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4 votes

How are these equations of SGD with momentum equivalent?

The first two equations are equivalent. The last equation can be equivalent if you scale $\alpha$ appropriately. Equation 1 Consider the equation from the Stanford slide: $$ v_{t}=\rho v_{t-1}+\nabla …
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