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For questions about artificial networks, such as MLPs, CNNs, RNNs, LSTM, and GRU networks, their variants or any other AI system components that qualify as a neural networks in that they are, in part, inspired by biological neural networks.

0 votes

Is this the right approach to preprocessing data for artificial neural-networks?

Here is what I'd do: Whats the right way to ordinal encode data? If there's a natural ordering to the data, which is your case, then it's fine to map the data to a non-decreasing sequence of numbers. …
Raphael Lopez Kaufman's user avatar
0 votes

How Many Hidden Units in an LSTM?

I'm not sure about what you are referring to when you say "number of hidden units", but I will assume that it's the dimension of the hidden vector $h_t \in \mathbb{R}^N$ in this definition of an LSTM. …
Raphael Lopez Kaufman's user avatar
1 vote

What architecture would be best to match images of torn pieces of tapes?

Why not try a Siamese network architecture? This architecture is used to compute the similarity between two inputs by applying the same neural network $f$ to two pairs of inputs $(X_b, X_p)$ and $(X_b …
Raphael Lopez Kaufman's user avatar
2 votes

What is the difference between CNN-LSTM and RNN?

An LSTM is a specific type of RNN. So let's just focus on the CNN part in CNN-LSTM. What's the difference between a plain RNN and a CNN-RNN, (more generally called convolutional RNN or ConvRNN)? The e …
Raphael Lopez Kaufman's user avatar
2 votes

How to represent multi-label colours in one-hot encoding?

If the order of words doesn't matter in the description of the stone, you could use a bag of words model. You don't need the hashing trick because there's likely only a small fixed set of words used t …
Raphael Lopez Kaufman's user avatar