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What is the reason behind the name "Transformers", for attentionMulti Head Self-Attention-based neural networks from Attention is All You Need?

I have been googling this question for a long time, and nowhere I can find any explanation.

What is the reason behind the name "Transformers", for attention-based neural networks?

I have been googling this question for a long time, and nowhere I can find any explanation.

What is the reason behind the name "Transformers", for Multi Head Self-Attention-based neural networks from Attention is All You Need?

I have been googling this question for a long time, and nowhere I can find any explanation.

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Why Transformer Networks are "Transformers" called thatthis way?

What is the reason behind the name 'Transformers'"Transformers", for Attentionattention-based Neural Networksneural networks?

I have been googling this question for a long time, and nowhere I can find any explanation.

Why Transformer Networks are called that way?

What is the reason behind the name 'Transformers', for Attention-based Neural Networks?

I have been googling this question for a long time, and nowhere I can find any explanation.

Why are "Transformers" called this way?

What is the reason behind the name "Transformers", for attention-based neural networks?

I have been googling this question for a long time, and nowhere I can find any explanation.

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Why Transformer Networks are called that way?

What is the reason behind the name 'Transformers', for Attention-based Neural Networks?

I have been googling this question for a long time, and nowhere I can find any explanation.