So i have been playing around with neat-python
. I made a program, applying neat, to play pinball on the Atari 2600. The code for that can be found in the file
Now based on that, I would like to do the same, but on a 2 player game. I have already set up the environment to play a 2 player game, which PONG using OpenAI Retro.
What I have no clue how to do, is run 2 nets at the same time, on the same observation. The way that neat-python
works, is you get the observation from a single function that goes through each genome and runs the environment.
How would you create 2 eval_genome
functions that can take in the same observation real-time? This means that they train based off of the same images and environmenrs.
is annoying though... $\endgroup$