I'm trying to come up with the right algorithm for a system in which the user enter symptoms and we starts triggering questions related to that symptoms and his answers will result a disease which is related to the answer which is given by the user
Let's assume that the user entered the following input:
Symptom - Deafness
Q1. How long have you had a problem with deafness
A)From few days B)From few weeks to months C)More than month D)Since Birth
Q2. What was the onset of the deafness
A) Sudden B) Gradual
Now we have a knowledge base like if a user select option 1 from question 1 and option 2 form question 2 then we will give him some disease. But i need an algorithm which will give % of success in backend so that i can throw the results of disease for example if a user select option 2 from question1 and option 1 from question 2, then when we compare from our knowledge base there will be one set over there which has option 1 from question 1 and option 2 from question 2 then its a "SOME" disease.. now if we compare from our knowledgebase and we found even 50% of the choices is resulting this disease we will throw that disease name.
NOW i am confused what algo should be use for this approach for ai.