I have an image classification task to solve, but based on quite simple/good terms:
- There are only two classes (either good or not good)
- The images always show the same kind of piece (either with or w/o fault)
- That piece is always filmed from the same angle & distance
- I have at least 1000 sample images for both classes
So I thought it should be easy to come up with a good CNN solution - and it was. I created a VGG16-based model with a custom classifier (Keras/TF). Via transfer learning I was able to achieve up to 100% validation accuracy during model training, so all is fine on that end.
Out of curiosity and because the VGG-based approach seems a bit "slow", I also wanted to try it with a more modern model architecture as the base, so I did with ResNet50v2 and Xception. I trained both similar to the VGG-based model, tried it with several hyperparameter modifications, etc. However, I was not able to achieve a better validation accuracy than 95% - so much worse than with the "old" VGG architecture.
Hence my question is:
Given these "simple" (always the same) images and only two classes, is the VGG model probably a better base than a modern network like ResNet or Xception? Or is it more likely that I messed something up with my model or simply got the training/hyperparameters not right?