
I am trying to build an LSTM model to generate Shakspeare-like poems. I have data set $\{s_1, s_2, \dots, s_m \}$, which are sentences of Shakespeare poems, and each sentence contains words $\{w_1, w_2, \dots, w_n \}$.

I am wondering: Are different $s_i$ ($i=1, \dots, m$) independent and identically distributed samples (IID)? Are $w_i$ ($i=1, \dots, n$) within each sentence the IID?


1 Answer 1


The sentences coming from the same document, author, etc., are unlikely to be independent, that is, the occurrence of a sentence $s_i$ in a certain document $d$ is likely correlated with the occurrence of another sentence $s_j$. If they are not independent, they can also not be independent and identically distributed (which is a stronger condition). The same can be said for words in the same sentence.


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