
Today, if you scan an object and want its CAD file (Solidworks/Autocad), you need to use reverse engineering software (Geomagic). This takes time and you need experience of the software tools.

Is there an AI tool/app that does the job automatically? If not, is this a reasonable idea to develop an AI application capable of doing it? What would be the biggest challenges?


1 Answer 1


Two years later, it seems there is no (open) project to train AI on engineering data and no AI tool to reverse engineer things yet.

The growing number of open source hardware projects should provide a good basic training set.. https://oho.wiki and https://certification.oshwa.org/list.html provide catalogues of specimens for example.. Realtime 3d generation should also be good enough by now to get this going..

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    Commented Oct 4, 2022 at 16:32

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