I am currently implementing the Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO) Algorithm, based on the paper: Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm: A Novel Nature-inspired Heuristic Paradigm.
To calculate the values of the Moths, it uses two arrays of values, which contain upper and lower values for each variable. However, as far as I can see. it mentions nothing about what these values are. Quoting from the paper:
As can be seen, there are two other arrays called $ub$ and $lb$. These matrixes define the upper and lower bounds of the variables as follows:
$ub = [ub_1, ub_2, ub_3, \dots,ub_{n-1}, ub_n]$
where $ub_i$ indicates the upper bound of the $i$-th variable.
$lb = [lb_1, lb_2, lb_3, \dots, ub_{n-1}, ub_n]$
where $lb_i$ indicates the lower bound of the $i$-th variable
After that, it says nothing more about this matter
So, if anyone has any idea of how these bound values are determined, please tell me!