While reading the Mutual Information Neural Estimation (MINE) paper [1] I came across section 3.2 Correcting the bias from the stochastic gradients. The proposed method requires the computation of the gradient
$$\hat{G}_B = \mathbb{E}_B[\nabla_{\theta}T_{\theta}] - \frac{\mathbb{E_B}[\nabla_{\theta}T_{\theta}e^{T_{\theta}}]}{\mathbb{E}_B[e^{T_{\theta}}]},$$
where $\mathbb{E}_B$ denotes the expectation operation w.r.t. a minibatch $B$, and $T_{\theta}$ is a neural network parameterized by $\theta$. The authors claim that this gradient estimation is biased and that can be reduced by simply performing an exponential moving average filtering.
Can someone give me a hint to understand these two points:
- Why is $\hat{G}_B$ biased, and
- How does the exponential moving average reduce the bias?