You can indeed use UCB in the RL setting. See e.g. section 38.5 Upper Confidence Bounds for Reinforcement Learning (page 521) of the book Bandit Algorithms by Csaba Szepesvari and Tor Lattimore for the details.
However, compared to $\epsilon$-greedy (widely used in RL), UCB1 is more computationally expensive, given that, for each action, you need to recompute this upper confidence bound for every time step (or, equivalently, action taken during learning).
To see why, let's take a look at the UCB1 formula
\underbrace{\bar{x}_{j}}_{\text{value estimate}}+\underbrace{\sqrt{\frac{2 \ln n}{n_{j}}}}_{\text{UCB}},
- $\bar{x}_{j}$ is the value estimate for action $j$
- $n_{j}$ is the number of times action $j$ has been taken
- $n$ is the total number of actions taken so far
So, at each time step (or new action taken), we need to recompute that square root for each action, which depends on other factors that evolve during learning.
So, the higher time complexity than $\epsilon$-greedy is probably the first reason why UCB1 is not so much used in RL, where interaction with the environment can be the bottleneck. You could argue that this recomputation (for each action) also needs to be done in bandits. Yes, it's true, but, in the RL problem, you have multiple states, so you need to compute value estimates for each action in all states (i.e. the full RL problem is more complex than bandits or contextual bandits).
Moreover, $\epsilon$-greedy is so conceptually simple that everyone can easily implement it in less than $5$ minutes (though this is not really a problem, given that both are simple to implement).
I am currently not familiar with Thompson sampling, but I guess (from some implementations I have seen) it's also not as cheap as $\epsilon$-greedy, where you just need to perform an argmax (can be done in constant time if you keep track of the highest value) or sample a random integer (it's also relatively cheap). There's a tutorial on Thompson sampling here, which also includes a section dedicated to RL, so you may want to read it.