In Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, section 9.2 (page 199), Sutton and Barto describe the on-policy distribution in episodic tasks, with $\gamma =1$, as being
\begin{equation} \mu(s) = \frac{\eta(s)}{\sum_{k \in S} \eta(k)}, \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \eta(s) = h(s) + \sum_s \eta(\bar{s}) \sum_a \pi(a|\bar{s})p(s|\bar{s},a), \text{ (9.2)} \end{equation}
is the number of time steps spent, on average, in state $s$ in a single episode.
Another way to represent this is setting $\eta(s) = \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} d_{j,s}^{(t)}$, the average number of visits to $s$ starting from $j$, and $d_{j,s}^{(t)}$ being the probability of going from $j$ to $s$ in $t$ steps under policy $\pi_{\theta}$. In particular, $d_{j,s}^{(1)} = d_{j,s} = \sum_{a \in A}[\pi_{\theta}(a|j)P(s|j,a)]$. This formulation is obtained through pag 325 proof of the Policy Gradient Theorem (PGT) and some basic stochastic processes theory.
If instead of defining $\gamma = 1$, we prove PGT using any $\gamma \in (0,1)$, we would get
\begin{equation*} \eta_{\gamma}(s) = \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \gamma^t d_{j,s}^{(t)} \end{equation*}
This is not anymore the average number of visits to $s$. Here comes my first question. Would we still get a $\mu_{\gamma}$ on-policy distribution through the same trick done before? That is \begin{equation} \mu_{\gamma}(s) = \frac{\eta_{\gamma}(s)}{\sum_{k \in S} \eta_{\gamma}(k)}, \end{equation} would be the on-policy distribution?
My second question is related and has to do with the phrase on page 199, that says that
If there is discounting ($\gamma <1$) it should be treated as a form of termination, which can be done simply by including a factor of $\gamma$ in the second term of (9.2).
What the authors mean by "as a form of termination"?
As inferred by my previous question, my conclusion is that having $\gamma < 1$ does not alter $\mu_{\gamma}$ being the on-policy distribution, so I don't get this last comment on page 199.