I've been playing with PyTorch's nn.EmbeddingBag
for sentence classification for about a month. I've been doing some feature engineering, playing with different tokenizers, etc. I'm just trying to get the best performance out of this simple model as I can. I'm new to NLP, so I figured I should start small.
Today, by chance, I stumbled on this paper Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification, which very well may be the inspiration for nn.EmbeddingBag
. Regardless, I read the paper and saw that they increased performance through using "n-grams as additional features to capture some partial information about the local word order"
So by the wording of this sentence, specifically "additional features", I take it to mean that they made n-grams as part of their vocabulary. For example "abc news" is treated as a single word in the vocabulary, and then appended to the training data that is being embedded like so:
dataset = TextFromPandas(tweet_df)
label, sentence, ngrams = dataset[0]
label, sentence, ngrams
# out:
'quake our deeds are the reason of this # earthquake may allah forgive us all',
['quake our',
'our deeds',
'deeds are',
'are the',
'the reason',
'reason of',
'of this',
'this #',
'# earthquake',
'earthquake may',
'may allah',
'allah forgive',
'forgive us',
'us all'])
I just wanted to check my assumption, because the paper is not very explicit. I already tried to string n-grams together as a new sentence in place of the old, but performance dropped significantly.
I will continue to experiment, but I was wondering if anyone knows the specific mechanism?