Consider the following definition of derivative from the chapter named Vector Calculus from the test book titled Mathematics for Machine Learning by Marc Peter Deisenroth et al.
Definition 5.2 (Derivative). More formally, for $h>0$ the derivative of $f$ derivative at $x$ is defined as the limit
$$\dfrac{df}{dx} := \lim\limits_{h \rightarrow 0}^{} \dfrac{f(x + h) − f(x)}{h}$$
The derivative of $f$ points in the direction of the steepest ascent of $f$.
You can observe that the derivate of a function is another function. If we consider derivative at a single point then it will be a real number that quantifies the rate of change of the output of the function with respect to the input.
There are two kinds of directions we need to focus on that are related to gradients. One is the direction pointed by a gradient and another one is the direction for moving our input parameters using a gradient. This question is restricted to the direction of the first kind.
We can treat the sign of the derivative at a particular point as the direction to move our input parameters. And I am not sure about the rigorous definition for the direction pointed by a derivative. I have thus doubts about the direction pointed by a gradient.
What exactly is the direction pointed by a gradient? and I want to know the formal definition for the direction of a gradient
I know about the direction that is given by gradient to move our parameters. But, I am not sure about the rigorous definition for the direction of a gradient vector.