Genetic algorithms like many other machine learning algorithms have two forces in action, exploration and exploitation.
For GAs these are crossover and mutation. Crossover (the production of a child from two parent members) can often produce wildly different children dispersing them around the solution space. Exploring the solution space, if you will.
If two parents are near optimal solutions and their alleles are significantly different unless the crossover happens to also be near another optimal solution it is likely to produce a poorly scoring child.
But that is not the only mechanism. Mutation makes minor adjustments to a member of the population. Along with elitism, often nudging the population towards nearby optimums, exploiting their proximity to a good solution.
So, while crossover between two parents near different optimums may not produce strong children, mutation may move the children of similar parents towards a local optimum. Lastly, lets not forget that crossover need not necessarily widely spread children. It is possible in both single and two point crossover to produce a child which differs from a parent by a single allele.