I have data coming from web access logs in the following form:
@timestamp ISP cache_result client_ip client_request_host client_request_method client_ua client_url client_user content_type ... http_response_code major os os_name querystring reply_length_bytes ts_process_time ts_timestamp type ua_name
2018-04-17T08:12:32.000Z cuaerH c rt,nlEIrnii.cec TCP_REFRESH_MISS testhost.net GET Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) Appl... /wp-content/themes/Avada/includes/lib/assets/m... - application/javascript ... 200 65.0 Windows 10 Windows 10 ?ver=2.2.3 25204 321 17/Apr/2018:08:12:32 -0000 testdata Chrome
2018-04-17T08:12:32.000Z HeE iclirueIc rat,nrncc. TCP_REFRESH_MISS testhost.net GET Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) Appl... /wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/js/min/avada-p... - application/javascript ... 200 65.0 Windows 10 Windows 10 ?ver=1 2825 177 17/Apr/2018:08:12:32 -0000 testdata Chrome
2018-04-17T08:12:33.000Z ,rrnI EnH.ceeiuclcicrat TCP_REFRESH_MISS testhost.net GET Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) Appl... /wp-content/themes/Avada/includes/lib/assets/m... - application/javascript ... 200 65.0 Windows 10 Windows 10 ?ver=1 267 275 17/Apr/2018:08:12:33 -0000 testdata Chrome
2018-04-17T08:12:34.000Z tn.cHer uE,lecnir aircIc TCP_REFRESH_MISS testhost.net GET Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) Appl... /wp-content/themes/Avada/includes/lib/assets/m... - application/javascript ... 200 65.0 Windows 10 Windows 10 ?ver=1 341 172 17/Apr/2018:08:12:34 -0000 testdata Chrome
2018-04-17T08:12:34.000Z rneecHuraci ctInir cl.,E TCP_REFRESH_MISS testhost.net GET Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) Appl... /wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/assets/js/m... - application/javascript ... 200 65.0 Windows 10 Windows 10 ?ver=1 302 180 17/Apr/2018:08:12:34 -0000 testdata Chrome
What I need is to come up with a model that takes as input such kind of data in batches of 2 minutes data and identify if there exists IPs that are anomalous. So, I am thinking to group the training data by IP and compute some features.
But my question is - how is this possible with batches of 2 minutes, since the anomaly detection needs all the data at once to be able to train it?