
I am coding a classifier neural network from scratch. It is not really learning and I believe that somewhere there is a gradient explosion/vanishing issue. Could be some other stuff as well that I cannot imagine right now.

I have coded my own 2000 samples data set that has two features: x1, x2 and a label column that has 0 or 1.

I have tested the architecture on a neural network that I made via keras framework and it yielded an 85% accuracy on the same dataset with same epoch value. Its fine that accuracy was 0.85, thing is it worked.

Please help me figure out what am I doing wrong in my code below. Thank you!

My code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from my_first_nnfs_dataset import data_df

df = data_df

df = df.reset_index(drop = True)

len_of_training_data = 1900

max_df = df.max()['data_y']

X_train = np.array(df[:len_of_training_data][['data_x','data_y']]/max_df).T * 10
y_train = np.array(df[:len_of_training_data][['label']]).T

X_test = np.array(df[len_of_training_data:][['data_x','data_y']]/max_df).T  * 10
y_test = np.array(df[len_of_training_data:][['label']]).T

def initialize_parameters():

    W1 = np.random.rand(3,2)
    b1 = np.random.rand(3,1)

    W2 = np.random.rand(2,3)
    b2 = np.random.rand(2,1)

    return W1, b1, W2, b2

def relu(X):
    return np.maximum(0, X)

def relu_prime(X):
    return X > 0

def sigmoid(X):
    return 1/(1 + np.exp(-X))

def forward_propagation(W1, b1, W2, b2, X):

    Z1 = W1.dot(X) + b1
    A1 = relu(Z1)
    Z2 = W2.dot(A1) + b2
    A2 = sigmoid(Z2)

    return Z1, A1, Z2, A2

def backward_propagation(W1, b1, W2, b2, Z1, A1, Z2, A2, X, Y):

    a = A2 - Y
    b = a.dot(A1.T)
    dW2 = b

    c = W2.T.dot(a)
    d = np.multiply(c, relu_prime(Z1))
    e = d.dot(X.T)
    dW1 = e

    db2 = np.sum(a)
    db1 = np.sum(d)

    return dW1, dW2, db1, db2

def update_parameters(W1, b1, W2, b2, dW1, dW2, db1, db2, alpha):

    W2 = W2 - alpha * dW2
    W1 = W1 - alpha * dW1
    b2 = b2 - alpha * db2
    b1 = b1 - alpha * db1

    return W1, b1, W2, b2

def one_hot_y(Y):
    one_hot_y = np.zeros((2, len_of_training_data))
    for i in range(0, y_train.size):
        if y_train[0,i] == 0:
            one_hot_y[0,i] = 1
        elif y_train[0,i] == 1:
            one_hot_y[1,i] = 1
    return one_hot_y

one_hot_y_train = one_hot_y(y_train)

a2_predictions = []

def accuracy(a2_predictions):
    a2_p = a2_predictions[-len_of_training_data:]
    latest_epoch = a2_p[-1]

    a = 0

    for i in range(y_train.size):
        if np.argmax(latest_epoch[:,i], axis = 0) == np.argmax(one_hot_y_train[:,i], axis = 0):
            a += 1
    return a/y_train.size

def train(X_train, one_hot_y_train, alpha, epoch):

    W1, b1, W2, b2 = initialize_parameters()
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for column in range(y_train.size):
            each_example = X_train[:,column].reshape(2,1)
            each_one_hot_y = one_hot_y_train[:,column].reshape(2,1)
            Z1, A1, Z2, A2 = forward_propagation(W1, b1, W2, b2, X_train)
            dW1, dW2, db1, db2 = backward_propagation(W1, b1, W2, b2, Z1, A1, Z2, A2, X_train, each_one_hot_y)
            W1, b1, W2, b2 = update_parameters(W1, b1, W2, b2, dW1, dW2, db1, db2, alpha)
        if epoch % 10 == 0:
            print(f'Epoch: {epoch}')
    return W1, b1, W2, b2

epochs = 100
alpha = 0.1

W1, b1, W2, b2 = train(X_train, one_hot_y_train, alpha = alpha, epoch = epochs)

Z1, A1, Z2, A2 = forward_propagation(W1, b1, W2, b2, X_test)

test = np.zeros((1, y_test.size))

for i in range(y_test.size):
    if A2[0,i] > A2[1,i]:
        test[0,i] = 0
        test[0,i] = 1
acc = 0

for i in range(len(test)):
    if test[0][i] == y_test[i][0]:
        acc += 1

print(f'accuracy: {acc/y_test.size}')


/Users/apple/Desktop/my_first_nnfs.py:44: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  return 1/(1 + np.exp(-X))
Epoch: 0

Epoch: 10

Epoch: 20

Epoch: 30

Epoch: 40

Epoch: 50

Epoch: 60

Epoch: 70

Epoch: 80

Epoch: 90

accuracy: 0.009900990099009901

Necessary variables after running:

W1 = 0.914082   4.92167
     5.70267e+09    -1.40049e+10
    -0.986493   -8.28296

W2 = -61.9766   1.2412e+12  -85.8557
     8.91069    -1.2412e+12 16.2499

#A1 is all zeros array of shape (3,101)
#A2 is all ones array of shape (2,101)

PS - epoch = 1000 also has a very similar outcome.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ this is just a friendly message to let you know that you may be better off posting your question on StackOverflow. This question is more of a bug fix question, which is out of the scope for SE:AI. Since you are new, you may not be aware of the what types of questions are suitable for this site. This article will help clarify. This is probably why you have not received a response yet, and I just wanted to make sure that you get the help you need. Best of luck! $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 3:19

1 Answer 1


Your backward differentiation does not seem to follow the forward computation.

I prefer marking the gradient (row vector) with a letter g (in AD literature also b like TeX \bar) before the variable name, for tangent direction d (like direction or TeX \dot).

Beginning from the last step, one should get

  • from the residual 0.5*sum((A-Y)**2) indeed gA2 = (A2-Y).T
  • from the last step A2 = sigmoid(Z2) you should get gZ2 = gA2*Dsigmoid(Z2) (component-wise product)
  • Next up is Z2 = W2.dot(A1) + b2. Using generic directions dA1, dW2 (column vectors) etc., the defining relation is
    gZ2 @ dZ2 = gZ2 @ dW2 @ A1 + gZ2 @ W2 @ dA1 + gZ2 @ db2
               = trace(gW2 @ dW2) + gA1 @ dA1 + gb2 * db2
    which implies
    gA1 = gZ2 @ W2
    gW2 = A1 @ gZ2 # this is a matrix as product column times row
    gb2 = gZ2
  • next A1 = relu(Z1) leads to gZ1 = gA1 * Drelu(Z1) (component-wise)
  • finally Z1 = W1.dot(X) + b1 similar to above
    gX = gZ1 @ W1
    gW1 = X @ gZ1
    gb1 = gZ1

In total, you need some slight modifications in the backward iteration

def backward_propagation(W1, b1, W2, b2, Z1, A1, Z2, A2, X, Y):

    gA2 = (A2 - Y).T
    gZ2 = gA2 * sigmoid_prime(Z2.T)   # Z2*(1-Z2)

    gA1 = gZ2 @ W2
    gW2 = A1 @ gZ2
    gb2 = gZ2

    gZ1 = gA1 * relu_prime(Z1.T)       # 0.5*(1+signum(Z1))

    # gX = gZ1 @ W1
    gW1 = X @ gZ1
    gb1 = gZ1

    return gW1.T, gW2.T, gb1.T, gb2.T

Or with the gradients and every equation transposed to above

def backward_propagation(W1, b1, W2, b2, Z1, A1, Z2, A2, X, Y):

    gA2 = A2 - Y
    gZ2 = sigmoid_prime(Z2) * gA2   # Z2*(1-Z2)

    gA1 = W2.T @ gZ2
    gW2 = gZ2 @ A1.T
    gb2 = gZ2

    gZ1 = relu_prime(Z1) * gA1       # 0.5*(1+signum(Z1))

    # gX = W1.T @ gZ1
    gW1 = gZ1 @ X.T
    gb1 = gZ1

    return gW1, gW2, gb1, gb2
  • $\begingroup$ I found out I was passing incorrect input data to my forwarrd propagation function. After changing it to each_example it did work start to work with increasing accuracy over time. Now I never got accuracy of over .95 with the architecture but I'll take it. However, reading your comment, I gather I might have made some errs in back_prop, I'll look into it. I felt pretty confident about it because all the equations came from Ng's Stanford ML lecture. I followed along derived them myself using partial derv. Only Relu_prime came up during the back_prop in my case. $\endgroup$
    – Maks
    Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 13:40

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