I am trying to attack a problem for my thesis and I feel RL is the correct framework for this problem, however I am completely new to this topic and I am not sure about it.
The idea of the problem is to locate the position of a power source, in order to obtain the position I can perform several questions asking if the source is located in that interval. If the source is inside the interval I will obtain higher power, in other case the received power will be lower (stochastically). Additionally, if the interval is greater or smaller the received power change, the most narrow the interval the greater the power.
In my personal opinion the problem fits quite well the idea of reinforcement learning of discovering an environment by an agent. However, I do know how to model the rewards (maybe with the received power). Finally, the biggest problem is related to the states, in the RL literature I read about "gridworld" or similar problems but in my case I do not feel comfortable defining the state space. I thought about compute the posterior distribution in a Bayesian sense and using that distribution as state.
Thank you in advance and sorry for my English. If you have some recommendation about RL literature to strong my knowledge I would appreciate it.
Suppose we have a noisy function $f(x)$ where $x\in[-10,10]$. The idea is try to find the value $x^*$ which maximimize the function. For that, we can try $K$ different intervals $A_t=[a_t,b_t]$ with $t=1,\dots,K$. For example $A_1 = [-1,0]$, $A_2=[-10,0]$, etc.
For each tested interval we obtain a sample $y_t$ which depends on two factors:
- If the optimum $x^*$ is inside the interval, the average power of $y_t$ will be higher.
- The width of the interval, in other words, if $x^*=0.5$ and the tested interval si $[0,1]$, the average power of $y_t$ will be higher than using $[-10,10]$.
The action space would be the intervals $A_t$ and the state space is my doubt. I thought about computing the posterior distribution of the parameter $x*$ and update after each new sample $y_t$, therefore each state $S_t$ would be the posterior probability distribution computed with the samples $\{y_1,y_2,...,y_{t-1}\}$. I mean $p_t(x^*|y_1,\dots,y_{t-1})$.